How to look at the ladies' cricket tournament as a schedule, where to stream with a VPN and more
The cricket tournament for women's axis has been active since January 11 and after more than two weeks the last four -day test match between England and Australia starts on Thursday (although fans in the US can coordinate on Wednesday evening because of the time difference). The location of the Ashes tournament runs between Australia and England; This year's competition has taken place throughout Australia and the last test competition will be held on the Melbourne cricket field. England struggled during the tournament and lost all six of their earlier matches to date; A victory this weekend will offer their fans cold comfort, but after their display in force during the competition, Australia is the favorite to take the trophy.
Here is everything you need to know about how you can view the cricket tournament for women as you can, and how you can see for free when you are in the US
How to view the women's axis 2025 Cricket Tournament:
Data: January 30 – February 2
Location: Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Australia
TV -channel/streaming: View with a VPN
Who competes in the test match of the Womens Ashes 2025?
Australia and England will face each other in the four -day test competition.
When is the test match for Women's Ashes 2025?
The test competition for women ashes 2025 will be a day/night event that will be performed from Thursday 30 January to Sunday 2. Viewers in the US must note that all competitions start at 2.30 pm Melbourne Time (AEDT), which means night before, to 10.30 pm et.
What is the complete schedule for the test match for women ashes?
The daily starting times for the test match for women ashes are as follows:
Thursday, January 30: 2.30 pm AEDT (Wednesday, January 29, 10.30 pm et)
Friday, January 31: 2.30 pm AEDT (Thursday, January 30, 10.30 p.m. etc.)
Saturday, February 1: 2.30 pm AEDT (Friday January 31, 10.30 pm et)
Sunday 2 February: 2.30 pm AEDT (Saturday 1 February, 10.30 pm et)
How to Test competition for women's axis ashes In the US:
In the US you need a VPN to tune into all four days of the women's axle. The competition is broadcast in Australia 7 Pluswhich is available for free or in the UK on Discovery+ (Subscribe here for 30.99/month).
By using a VPN with a location set on another country, such as Australia or England, viewers in the US can adjust to all four days of the test competition, to which you have access by your location settings.
A VPN (virtual private network) helps to protect your data, can mask your IP address and is perhaps the most popular because it is particularly useful in the era of streaming. Or you want to watch Friends On Netflix (who left the American version of the streamer in 2019) or tune in to overseas cricket or rugby matches that are not broadcast in the US, a VPN can help you. Do you want to try a VPN for the first time? This guide Breaks off The best VPN options for every types of user.
ExpressVPN offers the internet without borders, which means that you can coordinate with the Women's Ashes Tournament that is only broadcast in countries such as Australia (free on 7PLUS) and England (electricity via subscription to Discovery+). All you have to do is register for ExpressVPN, change your server location in one of those countries and log in on your preferred channel.
ExpressVPNS added protection, speed and reach of location options make it an excellent choice for first VPN Best streaming VPN. New users can save 49% when they sign up for the 12 -month subscription of 12 months. Moreover, the service offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, in case you are nervous about trying a VPN.
$ 6.67/month at ExpressVPN
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