Womens Ice Hockey starts this weekend with four-game Road Swing
![Womens Ice Hockey starts this weekend with four-game Road Swing Womens Ice Hockey starts this weekend with four-game Road Swing](
Cambridge, mass. After a nearby game at home or in the Boston area, Harvard Women's Ice Hockey will play his first ECAC Hockey Away series this weekend since December. De Crimson (2-18-2, 1-14-1 ECACH) will make the journey for no. 10 Quinnipiac (16-8-4 7-6-3 ECACH) and no. 13 Princeton (14-8-1,, 8-7-1 Ecach) while you want to collect more points in the conference game. Harvard will also be looking for revenge after dropping his first two games against the Bobcats and the Tigers earlier this season.
What to know
Last time -out
Harvard went to toe to toe with two of the best teams in the nation last weekend in the Bright-Landry Hockey Center in matches against no. 5 Colgate and no. 6 Cornell.
The Karmozijnrood almost deducted the upset in the battle with the sixth raid raiders, but fell in the extension, 3-2. Gabi Davidson Adams Scored two third period, PowerPlay goals to generate the bid of the Karmozijnrode upset. The team still managed to take a point away from the matchup by pushing the game to overtime.
Angelica Megananan Found the back of the net against no. 6 Cornell and scored her second goal of the season, but the Crimson could not stop a strong big red attack in a final 6-1 defeat.
Series History against Quinnipiac
Harvard has a record of 20-17-3 against the Bobcats that date from the 2005-06 season. In the recent history, Quinnipiac has improved from the Crimson, with seven of the last eight matchups. The last battle with Quinnipiac earlier this season was a breakout competition for first-year goalkeeper, Ainsley TuffyThose 40 Saves made only one goal to stomp one of the best violations of the nation.
Serial history against Princeton
One of Harvard's oldest rivals, the Crimson has met the Tigers on the ice 99 times in the program history. Harvard has a lead of 51-41-7 in the all-time series that goes back to 1979-80. Earlier this year, the Tigers took the first game of the season series in the Bright-Landry Hockey Ceneter, 5-3 and have a slight lead in the last ten matchups on 3-6-1.
Harvard Senior Vooruit Gabi Davidson Adams scored two goals in the third period against no. 5 Colgate to record her first career-multi-goal game. It was also the first time that a member of the Crimson scored twice in a match this season. GDA has gathered a point in the past three games to help her take the team leader in points with 10 in the season.
Blocking shots
The ability of the Crimson to get into shooting and blocking has been a staple of the defensive success of the team during the 2024-25 season. Currently, Harvard leads the ECAC and is in second place in the nation with 18.3 blocked shots per game.
Individual, Jenna Macdonald is in second place in the nation with 2.7 blocked shots per game. Her teammates Kaley MacDonald And My biotti also arrange in the top 20 national at 12one and 19onerespectively.
New presence record at Bright-Landry
Harvard Women's Ice Hockey broke his presence record last weekend after 1,741 fans flowed into the clear landing center to record the Crimson on Cornell. The team crushed his old record of 1,300 that took place in the 2023-24 season.
Lucia writes history
First -year attacker,She Luciawrote her name in the NCAA board books at the weekend against Dartmouth and only scored 11 seconds in the matchup to record the T-8 fastest goal in the NCAA history. Lucia joins the former Harvard Great Kristin della Rovere '23 on the list, who also scored 11 seconds in a match against Dartmouth in the 2022-23 season.
On fire
A little more than halfway through her first collegial season, first yearShe LuciaStarts to hit her hair with the karmozer red. The resident of Michigan has included a point in her last five games, scored two goals and three assists about the play. Lucia became the first first-year students to achieve the performance since Kristin della Rovere '23, who reached the stamp in the 2018-19 season. It is also the longest point streak for the Crimson, because Becca Gilmore made a point in 10 consecutive games during the 2021-22 season.
Harvard will be on its way again next weekend to complete the four-game Road Swing with a trip to Brown and Yale. The Crimson will travel to Providence and New Haven respectively for the last trip of the regular season. Both games will stream live on ESPN+.
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