Ruben Amorim and Marcus Rashford no longer speaks at Manchester United – Paper Talk | Football news
![Ruben Amorim and Marcus Rashford no longer speaks at Manchester United – Paper Talk | Football news Ruben Amorim and Marcus Rashford no longer speaks at Manchester United – Paper Talk | Football news](
The best stories and rumors about the newspapers of Wednesday …
The guardian
Ruben Amorim's relationship with Marcus Rashford has been broken down to the extent that the head coach of Manchester United only speaks to the player when he generally tackles the team.
Borussia Dortmund, Juventus and Porto have asked about the signing of Carney Chukwuemeka on loan from Chelsea.
Santos will sign the 19-year-old Brazilian striker Deiver Deiv Washington on the loan of Chelsea.
Six riders in the German Track Bicycle Team were treated in a hospital on Monday after they were hit by a car driven by an 89-year-old man. Their injuries were not life -threatening, although they include several fractures, the team said in a statement.
Daily Telegraaf
Hilal is already the most likely destination for Mohamed Salah when he decides to leave Liverpool and become a member of the Saudi Pro League.
Chelsea has faith in a considerable sale clause in the deal with which midfielder Cesare Casadei returns to Italy.
Arsenal is said to investigate a shock movement for Aston Villa star Jhon Duran – although Alexander Isak remains their 'dream goal'.
Saudi Arabic clubs are willing to splash more than £ 1 billion in bringing Vinicius JR to the middle, according to reports.
Manchester United Ruben Amorim's head coach is reportedly “not convinced” by Rasmus Hojlund and can even let the striker leave at the end of the season.
Architects behind the stadium expansion of Wrexham are planning to “make a real boiler”, while the work continues on a new position of 5500 capacity.
Daily mail
Rafa Benitez is on the last two candidates for the vacancy of the head coach with Copa Libertadores Kampioenen Botafogo.
Laliga President Javier Tebas has repeated that he will remain against the registration of Dani Olmo and that he is still working to destroy Barcelona's profession.
The first findings of the internal investigation of Manchester United into the problems in which a number of Rangers -fans infiltrated areas of Old Trafford for home supporters last week have shown that the widespread ticket wells were due.
Manchester City wants a straight loan agreement if they want to land Douglas Luiz from Juventus this month and have an interest in teammate Andrea Cambiaso with a view to summer.
Mason Mount and Diogo Dalot are among the stars that invest in the Baller League, a new Six-a-Side competition that claims to merge the worlds of street football and internet influences.
Aston Villa will forbid all supporters who have sold their seats for the Champions League collision on Wednesday with Celtic to third parties.
Antony could quickly find himself with a touch of fame at Real Betis, because the Spanish side is interested in the on loan of Tyrell Malacia.
Shakhtar Donetsk has made an offer of approximately £ 12 million for West Ham wing player Luis Guilherme.
Daily mirror
A FIFA council has approved a change in the rules that Mohamed Salah could see at Al Hilal before the Club World Cup this summer.
Former Arsenal Striker Chuba Akpom could be set to return a move to England, with interested in Premier League clubs.
Neymar was said to be convinced to join the boys' club Santos after the Brazilian side had made a video with AI with Pele's voice that encouraged him to “return home”.
Carlo Ancelotti says that there is “no doubt” that he will continue with Real Madrid when they win the Champions League of Laliga.
Ben Doak from Liverpool will remain on loan for the rest of the season in Middlesbrough in Middlesbrough.
Aston Villa -midfielder Emiliano Buendia will joined Bayer Leverkusen.
Lyon expects former AC Milan head coach Paulo Fonseca to appoint Pierre Sage.
Barcelona defender Andreas Christensen, who has not played since August, is expected to be sidelined for about three weeks with a calf injury.
Jamaica and Steve McClaren push by registering Mason Greenwood as an international player after they have received the green light from the English FA.
Phil Foden blamed his bad form of early season for the mental fatigue he suffered after the European championship and claimed that Gareth Southgate played him out of position during the tournament in Germany.
Scottish sun
Felix Magath has supported Mark Fotheringham for the Motherwellbaan.
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