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14 spectacular facts for the year of the snake

14 spectacular facts for the year of the snake



Lunar New Year is here! This January 29 will end the year of the Dragon and we will roll in the year of the snake! Be the first to admit that snakes get a kind of bad reputation. In folklore, mythology and popular media you often see snakes that are depicted as villains, traitors or cowardly tricksters. In the real world, however, there is a lot to admire about these legendary legless critters. Here are just a few of our favorite facts of knowledge, thanks to our nine award-winning Children magazines!


Snake bodies

  • A snake that rests in the warm sun can slow down its breathing and heart rate, so that it uses almost no energy. That means that snakes don't have to eat often and one big meal gives the energy to survive for months.
    • Speaking of one big meal, a python has no teeth to chew, so it loosens its jaw, swallows an animal and digest it in the course of a week.
    • A snake long backbone consists of at least 100 smaller bones. Some snakes also have more than 400 ribs. (A person has only 24.) Bones are not the only category in which snakes surpass us – even the smallest snakes have around 12,000 muscles in their bodies, while people have around 800. !
    • Because organs are pressed firmly in a snakes long, thin body, most snakes only have room for one big lung! Interesting is that this is almost always the right lung. (Some snakes have a small, undeveloped left lung.) Snakes can also breathe and eat at the same time, which people cannot do.

    Snake Senses

    • Most snakes have eyes on the sides of their heads. They can see if something is moving, but they cannot see clearly. Snakes have no eyelids. Instead, a clear cap covers every eye, so a snake eyes are always open, even when it sleeps.
    • Have you ever heard the term Pit -adder? It does not mean a snake that lives in a well. They literally have small pits on the sides of their heads that help them feel warmth, making it easier to detect prey. Imagine them a bit like heat -visiting glasses.
    • Snakes have few or no, taste buds on their tongues, but they use them to smell. How is that possible? A snake flickers his tongue in and out to taste the air. When the snake pulls his tongue back into his mouth, the ends of the forked tongue are in two holes in the roof of the mouth, called Jacobson's Organ. This sends messages to the brain, causing the snake to smell.
    • Snakes do not have an outdoor or eardrums. Bones in their head take vibrations from the ground. Vibrations let the snake know if an animal is nearby or if there is a storm. This is also the reason why Snake Charming is a species, the music cannot really hear, but instead the charmers movements follow.

    Snakes around the world

    • Snakes live on every continent except Antarctica, and in almost every habitat that you can imagine. They even live in the sea and on heights up to 16,000 feet -specific, in the Himalaya -Bergen.
    • North America is the home of 21 types of poisonous snakes, which may sound like a lot until you learn that there are more than 3,400-3,900 types of snakes in the world. Australia has the most poisonous snakes in the world and plays host for around 66 to 110 species of dangerous snakes. (It is difficult to define what really counts as toxic here, because most of the toxic snakes actually do not cause serious damage to people.)
    • The biggest concentration of snakes in the world can be found in the Narcisse Snake Dens in Manitoba, Canada. Every May around 50,000 or more red -sided garter hoses from hibernation in underground collect and they start looking for partners. The largest of these caves can contain a maximum of ten thousand hoses each. Visitors to the Snake Dens can hold and touch the snakes,

      Just for fun

      • The first modern snakes evolved around 120 million to 130 million years ago. Experts now think that, unlike a few previous theories, early snakes lived on the land. They may also have had small, unusable feet, a remnant of an evolutionary ancestor. That's good, snakes descended from lizards.
      • At least one snake has lived in the white house, and we don't mean a scourge that came in by accident! President Theodore Roosevelt -daughter Alice was the proud owner of a garter hose called Emily Spinach, so called because she was as green as spinach and as thin as Alicees Aunt Emily. Her brother, Quentin Roosevelt, was reportedly also a snake fan.
      • The dwarfs hose, who lives in heavily wooded parts of Southeast Asia, has a unique way to escape from predators: the Cartwheels! Now you can wonder how a being without limbs does a cartwheel. Think more literally: it actually turns itself into a hoop and wheels away! We can imagine that that would confuse many predators!

        Do you want to make your own tensile hose to keep the winter cooling out? Try the first activity in this blog post, thanks to Ask Magazine!

        Learn even more about snakes with this individual backpiece of faces, completely devoted to our flaky friends!




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