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Why I am a member: football manager, Wes Hoolahan and Creative Data Storytelling

Why I am a member: football manager, Wes Hoolahan and Creative Data Storytelling



A few years ago I flew to London, terrified and uncertain. I had just left a steady career in finances as a data scientist to take a huge gamble on journalism a considerably more unpredictable field.

For someone who is proud of analytical decision -making, the movement of land to work in such a volatile industry as a low expected decision of the career value (XCV). But as with all football analysis, this was an informed choice based on the available data, not an iron clad guarantee. Sport fascinates us because it thrives on braving those expectations, and we romantize those unpredictable moments the most.

This week, while I am a member Athletics As a writer of data and tactic, I am happy to see how far this gamble brought me.

My first task is to have the now traditional why I became a member of the piece. And, as every self -respecting analyst, I would not approach this without any evidence of evidence to lead me.

While my new colleagues have years of nights and a hard transplant has tightened their own distinctive voices and styles, I have taken it to reduce their collective efforts in a formual approach.

After collecting, reading and analyzing 25 of my new colleagues introducing pieces, there was a broad why I came to the structure. Most start with a formative, awesome football memory from childhood that led an irrevocable love for the game. This of course flows into a segment that tells their journey from football enthusiasts with wide eyes to the accomplished writer, with a light sprinkling of Humblebrag. Finally, each piece is concluded with a preview of what readers can expect, accompanied by a tribute to Athleticss core values.

Although no template can fully record my excitement when starting this role (the data suggests that I have to write 842 words and maintain an average sentence of 23.6 words), it cannot hurt to follow the size that is Determined by the wise people who came for me.

My way to become a football data journalist started early, when I filled my mind with an endless stream of football trivia and facts. Unfortunately this was at the expense of more practical life skills. Countless school lunches continued to forget on the counter, but I was able to call every Champions League winner in precise chronological order without hesitation.

The grilling of genetics quickly paid paid to all play ambitions. If I couldn't be the best, I could at least try to know the most. I have abolished football knowledge from different sources; Sticker Books, Match of the Day and Newspaper reports were all part of this peculiar football carpet. Yet it was football manager who provided me with my first structured database to immerse myself.

At the time, football was a real mystery worldwide. Even watching teams outside the Premier League was limited to the incidental Champions League evening. But now there was access to information from thousands of players around the world. It was dizzy and over -stimulating and I was addicted. When I came down to dinner, my sister would often float that I played the game again with the moving dots (a gross simplification of my carefully constructed strategies).


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It's okay to play football manager even when you are an adult – that's why this is why

This obsession with football knowledge was only deepened over time, but I never thought it could translate into a viable career. I was mathematical and then these skills did not seem like a clear fit for the creative, telling stories of journalism. That changed when I saw that Newsroom's data embraces like a storytelling tool. Suddenly there was a chance to combine my analytical mentality with my love for football.

Sky Sports News gave me that chance, and I am grateful for it forever. My time to work there was great, and it was a sensation to get stuck in analyzing and presenting football data in a professional setting. From performance analyzes to research documents to visualizing Skys Deadline-Day drama, my work ran the range of football data journalism.

But working as a football data journalist taught me that not everyone embraces the analyzes of football performance and that is fine. Reducing the chaos and beauty of such a dynamic, deep emotional sport into a series of X and Y coordinates, cold, quantitative and sometimes mysterious values, is not everyone's bag. It is also indifferent to our personal feelings and the reason why we look at the sport.


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XG, XA and a battle for hearts and spirits a friendly debate between a fan and the data expert from athletics

Take my favorite Irish football player, Wesley Hoolahan. Martin Oneill again introduced him to the national team during an era in which Ireland playing style was pragmatic. The Ethos Priority teams gave the avoidance of the actual chase of the victory, which resulted in a boring, conservative approach.

HOOLAHAN, a diminutive -midfielder with more than 300 performances for Norwich, broke this monotony with his agile skill, creativity and willingness to take risks. His resourcefulness seemed in moments such as his perfectly weighted cross to Robbie Brady against Italy in Euro 2016 a pass that sealed in the last 16 and created my most euphoric football memory.


Wes Hoolahan, of world class for some (Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)

Instinctively I knew that his references were not those of a world -class football player. But he was world class for me.

And that is the great thing about football: it is just as good about our personal prejudices and connections as about cold, hard facts. Yet these facts play a crucial role. They offer the objective basis for the stories that evoke our strongest emotions. Although performance data is the most visible application of figures in football, it can only be one of the many ways that data can increase our understanding of the game.

Football is not only about what is happening on the field, it is also about the stories we tell. Take the Premier Leagues Fast transformation in a global company animal. This evolution has inevitably drawn investments from different sources, which not all have pure or honest intentions. Financial data help us critically to assess these ownership models and the broader implications they have on the sport.

I am firmly convinced that every football story can be improved by the thoughtful use of data. Athletics Share this philosophy clearly and combines exceptional stories with distinctive, beautifully manufactured data bisuals.

As football analysis evolves at a dizzying pace, Athletics Is in the foreground and embraces innovation without ever losing sight of clarity and accessibility. They have set the standard for sports data journalism. This balance between depth and simplicity is not yet a small performance Athletics the masterful reaches. It is what their work lets resonate with such a wide and passionate audience.

It is a privilege to become a member of such a progressive team, and I can't wait to get started.

(Top photos: Getty Images/Football Manager)




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