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Utah Hockey Club spreads on Yeti Moniker, sets 3 names for fanstem

Utah Hockey Club spreads on Yeti Moniker, sets 3 names for fanstem



Salt Lake City Yeti, considered for a long time as the favorite to become the team name from Utah Hockey Clubs, is out.

A copyright disagreement between the NHL club and the Yeti Cooler Company has led the team to continue with that name. It was not a lock that Yeti would become the team name in Utah, but the public sentiment moved in that direction.

Legalities were not.

There has been a lot in the news lately, Smith Entertainment Group director Mike Maughan said at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in the Delta Center, a few hours before the Utahs match against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Nothing came from the characteristic office that was surprising in any way. We are working on Yeti coolers. The NHL has contributed to them. At the end of the day they have a trademark with which they can print Yeti on clothing and other merchandise.

And so Yeti is out. Maughan said that the franchise and the NHL discussed the current concerns about copyright with Yeti coolers and decided it was time to continue.

The franchise has decided on three options for the team name:

  • Utah Mammanden
  • Utah Wasatch
  • Utah Hockey Club

Fans who attend each of the next four home games in Utah in the Delta Center, starting with Wednesday match, get the chance to vote on the path.

There will be iPad stations in the entire arena, said Maughan. Fans can take the survey about potential names and logos.

Although the team wants public input, the process is still quite mysterious.

Reporters at hand received a taste of the three new logo proposals on Wednesday, but were not allowed to photograph or share them in any way.

The franchise wants the new logo designs only to remain visible to fans who attend these four games, so fans are also not allowed to take photos.

Two assigned employees will be with each fan while they vote to guarantee confidentiality.

Telephones must be stored, said Maughan. Integrity of the images must be protected.

The Utah Jazz used a similar approach a few years ago when they had conducted Delta Center fans under surveys about the new sweaters of the teams.

Maughan did not say that the fan voice will definitively result in a definitive name and logo in the next four games, although that probably seems.

This is the next iteration, he said. Could it be the last iteration? Potential.

Maughan said there will be no other chance for fans to vote on the logos and team names if they don't attend any of the following four games.

The copyright issues have become a hot topic in Salt Lake City, but Maughan did not seem particularly surprised.

Not at all, he said. There is no name, other than a made -up name, which has no kind of trademark conflicts. Think of everything that had to happen. How the NHL gathered behind us. The incredible fan base. The team. The fact that all of that happened in such a short period. It is a completely new NHL team, a new brand identity. We will honor that forever.

Regardless of how voting unfolds during the next four home games in Utah, fans must remain patient. The franchise wants to have a name in the logo before the start of the 2025-26 season, but do not expect that the name and logo will be revealed until after this season.

We do not expect that we will reveal the name during this season, Maughan said. We will stick to that timing.

Required reading

(Photo: Bruce Bennett / Getty images)




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