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It is not clear when Dealing will start the Island News-Beaufort, SC

It is not clear when Dealing will start the Island News-Beaufort, SC



By Scott Graber

It is Wednesday, January 22 and I am sitting at our dining table -tiled dining room in our linoleum.

It is early and 26 degrees, and from where I am, I see a white, three-inch deep, billiard table-slippery blanket covering snow with our garden.

This all brings me back to 1970 when I brought my woman grew up by Connecticut to Beaufort.

I had started law studies in Washington, DC, and can confirm that Susan was surprised and was not entirely happy when I decided to register with the Dowling Law Firm and then in Bay Street.

In that long time we lived on the 1st floor of the Lucius Cuthbert House on the corner of the Streets Charles and Port Republic. The Cuthbert house was (and is) two floors, veranda and had served as a bakery during the occupation of Beaufort.

Immediately after we arrived, I told Susan that this city was different from Connecticut in almost all ways. And I added that I cannot predict what kind of future we will have here, one evening while we drank our old Grand Dad-Made Old Fashioneds, but it is not about snow, thermal underwear or oversjasses by Eddie Bauer brand .

But in the winter of 1973 it did snow in Beaufort. I think it was three or four centimeters, I have pictures and so I skated my skates and skated the length of Charles Street.

Some of our friends from Snow Skis found Beauforts only available Hill the Woods Memorial Bridge and tried to buy that path without lifting tickets or standing in line.

While we were skating and skiing, the world changed that Henry Kissinger had persuaded Richard Nixon to meet the Chinas Prime Minister, Zhou Enlai,; As well as Mao Zedong; And that ended for 25 years of Chinas self -imposed insulation.

Henry Kissinger also brought his triangulation theory to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Triangulation acknowledged that there were three powerful actors in the world China, the Soviet Union and the United States. Kissingers theory was to use the natural rivalry between the Soviet Union and the Chinese to strengthen the position of the United States. In the process, Kissinger seemed to be asking for morality that had been the center of the Vietnam experience and replacing it with reality.

Kissingers theory sent Nixon to China. China supplied the North Vietnamese in that late, major conflict.

Then the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. While the Soviets flopped, vibrated and founded, we were looking forward to believing that the Russia people would finally hand over their persistent paranoia. We also thought that China would somehow be satisfied to produce computers, put together mobile phones and produce the best table tennis players on earth.

But nowadays China Taiwan and now the South Chinese Sea wants; And Vladimir still desires his lost empire. Russia Aggression (in Ukraine) has brought China back into vast arms of Russian and we are effectively returned to 1970 when Susan and I arrived in Beaufort and Kissinger tinkering with triangulation.

But of course we have a new president who believes that foreign policy is transactional that means that there is no problem that cannot be resolved with a deal, an exchange, an negotiation that starts and ends with rates.

On Monday some of us periodically checked the movement of snow on AccuWeather; Or located for the Ohio State vs. Notre Dame Shootout; But many listened to the inaugural speech of the presidents; then saw the signing sessions of the implementation order; Hoping to understand where our new president could bring us.

Kissinger believed that sovereignty the idea that all nations were created should make way for reality. Kissinger (who died out of 100 in 2023) had serious reservations that the United States wage war during the invasion of Ukraine. It is clear that President Trump has the same reservations.

But it is not clear when the dealing will actually start and whether Ukraine, Taiwan, Mexico, Canada, the South China Sea and Israel are involved at the same time.

But maybe we should stop, side on our skates and skate through 9th street.

We have to enjoy the snow.

Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and old resident of Port Royal. He can be reached at




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