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Afghanistan Cricket: Women's Historic Match 'more important than ever before', say Coaches | Cricket -Nieuws

Afghanistan Cricket: Women's Historic Match 'more important than ever before', say Coaches | Cricket -Nieuws



After having lived in exile for more than three years, the Afghanistan cricket team is given the opportunity to first represent their country since the Taliban took over in 2021.

The banished cricketers will be recorded in Melbourne on the Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne on Thursday 30 January for the day-night test match of the Ladies Ashes Days-Night Test match on the Melbourne Ground in a historical exhibition match against Cricket (CWOB) in Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne in Melbourne .

Since the Taliban regained power in 2021, the rights of women have quickly deteriorated and they remain confronted with unprecedented destruction, including not being able to exercise, go to universities or – more frightening – not to speak too hard from their own home .

The cricket team of Afghanistan had to flee for safety in 2021 after the Taliban renomed power, but the men's team continued to play
The cricket team of Afghanistan had to flee for safety in 2021 after the Taliban renomed power, but the men's team continued to play

“This competition has so much more important than ever,” says Chelsea Moscript, a cricket player for Australian capital territory that the Afghan women coaches prior to their luminaire.

“These girls have already experienced so much in their lives of fleeing Afghanistan and becoming refugees in Australia and despite all this they continued cricket.

“For them to get the chance to go outside and play together as a team is something that I know they are also enthusiastic and who knows when that next chance can be?

“They make history and it's really an exciting time for them.”

The cricket team of Afghanistan fled the country in August 2021 and most of them currently live in Australia
Clare Cannon (left) and Ken Jacobs (Right) next to the Afghan players prior to their historic match

It is also appropriate that CWOB, founded by Clare Cannon in 2011, was asked by Cricket Australia to play the Afghanistan team in view of their philosophy that was rooted in 'being courageous, showing sportiness, having fun and making friends'.

“Empowerment of young women has always been what CWOB is about, so playing the Afghan women fits perfectly and a great honor for us,” said Cannon.

“We hope that this first step is the start of a long journey for the XI of the Afghan ladies.”

The CWOB team coaching is Stephen Field, who also emphasized the importance of the organization and the upcoming exhibition competition.

The cricket team of Afghanistan received an emergency visa and most of them now live in Australia
The cricket team of Afghanistan received an emergency visa and most of them now live in Australia

“We all have the responsibility to help this game move forward and that is what this match is about,” said Field.

In November 2021, former ICC chairman Greg Barclay said that the board was “dedicated” to support Afghanistan “to develop both men and women's cricket”.

In July last year, the Afghanistan ladies team wrote a letter to Barclay to help them form a refugee team in Australia, but despite their passionate plea, the team did not hear from the cricket chefs.

There is also an inherent sense of injustice, where the men's team is still allowed to compete, despite a clear violation of the rules of the International Cricket Council (ICC), which states that having a national women's team is one of the most important requirements To become a full member.

The men's team of Afghanistan has also retained their test status and recently made considerable progress by beating Australia during the T20 World Cup last summer to reach their very first semi -final.

The year before they also won four of the nine games at the 50-over World Cup in India, including remarkable victories against England, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The female athletes of Afghanistan had attacked their houses by the Taliban and some of them were forced to burn their kits
The female athletes of Afghanistan had attacked their houses by the Taliban and some of them were forced to burn their kits

More recent, England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) Chief Richard Gould wrote to his ICC opposite hanger Encourage them to take action against the cricket board of Afghanistan about the treatment of women by the Taliban government.

A group of more than 160 politicians, including Nigel Farage, Jeremy Corbyn and Lord Kinnock, signed a letter that encouraged England to boycott's Champions Trophy match against Afghanistan next month.

Although they were pushed to the periphery, the women of Afghanistan are determined to represent their land.

After more than three years, those dreams are about to become a reality.

Jones: Cricket Community has gathered

Former Australia Batter and Sky Sports Pundit Mel Jones helped to secure humanitarian Visa for many of the women's tickets of Afghanistan to move in August 2021
Former Australia Batter and Sky Sports Pundit Mel Jones helped to secure humanitarian Visa for many of the women's tickets of Afghanistan to move in August 2021

Former Australia -Beslag and Sky Sports Pundit Mel Jones has also played a central role in helping moving many of those who will play in Melbourne on Thursday.

Jones became involved for the first time while looking at the fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021 unfolded on television from her hotel room with Covid-laid-in Quarantine Hotel Room after his return to England.

“It started when I received a message from Sharda Ugra, an Indian journalist,” Jones said the Sky Sports Cricket Podcast.

“She had a bond with Benafsha Hashimi, one of the players of the Afghanistan.

“She actually said,” Do you know one of them? Can you just contact us and touch the basic and let them know that people are thinking about them? '

“She also added:” Can you look potential to help them get out? ” She knew a group of women in Australia who had the Afghan women's football team before the boundaries were closed.

“I sent her a voice message with the question of what she was like and that I could not promise her, but I could look into it and Benafsha came back to me almost immediately.

“She said:” Please, I and all players want to get out desperately for fear of death. “

“At that stage the Taliban went from door to door and they burned their cricket equipment and everything that said they were cricketers.

“That is what every female sports person did at the time.”

From that speech message exchange, Jones was part of a team that worked around the clock to secure humanitarian visas with the Australian government for 17 centrally through contracted women's cricketers and their direct families.

“We finally got more than 130, which still shakes the Australian government a bit to go:” I'm not so sure how you managed it, “Jones added.

“They are exceptionally appreciating the way in which the cricket community here in Australia, mainly local club teams, has just taken around them and gave them what they need in terms of just a little love and hugs for equipment and an opportunity to play .

“The majority of them are currently in educational institutions, so their English has improved out of sight. That is super useful for us to communicate with them.

“But at the same time health problems, mental health, physical health, spiritual health is damaged and bruised and still.

“I think it will be a continuous process to support them with that.”




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