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Burning their cricket jerseys, traveling in small groups and taking risks to put a limit: the story of how women reached cricketers of Afghanistan Australian coasts | Cricket -Nieuws

Burning their cricket jerseys, traveling in small groups and taking risks to put a limit: the story of how women reached cricketers of Afghanistan Australian coasts | Cricket -Nieuws



An immigration office in the backyard, players who burn their cricket referees and equipment, travel as small groups and other secret plans. That was how the 19 Afghanistan female cricketers rose, together with their coaches and families from Afghanistan to Pakistan and then Australia were drawn by the Australian cricket authorities. With Taliban who banned cricket in the ladies in 2021, 19 female cricketers, including cricket player Benafsha Hashimi, helped by the former Australian cricket player and commentator Mel Jones in their journey to Australia. While the Afghanistan XI is opposed to Cricket without Borders XI in an exhibition match on Junction Oval prior to the day of the Day of the Ladies Ashes Test, Jones opened the rescue act.

It was during the quarantine of Jones in a hotel in Melbourne that the cricket player Hashimi stated in the message.

You don't know who I am. But do you think, and one of the players, think that your lives are in threat and do you want to look at possible?, Jones Fox Cricket told Hashimi in 2021. According to the report, Hasimi replied, yes, we do that, . According to the Fox Cricket report, the former 53-year-old Australian cricket player subsequently set up an immigration officer in the back garden in her hotel room in Melbourne and she had contact with the Australian government officials to help the Afghan women cricketers get humanitarian visa. According to Jones, the list of 19 Afghanistan on contract players quickly grew to more than 135 with the family members of players, also coaches, managers, members of the Afghanistan Cricket Board in the mix. The list became very fast, very fast. The Australian government said there is no chance that this will fly. But in the end we finished 130-plus. Jones told Fox Cricket.

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According to Jones, the players and the rest of the members were told in the list to manufacture stories such as a sick family member in Islamabad when he was asked about civil servants on the border with Pakistan of Afghanistan, apart from burning their cricket therapy and cricket equipment. The task was performed by local volunteers, including some Australians in Afghanistan, together with some Australian officials when the cricketers arrived in small parties in Islamabad in a process that lasted months. That was probably the most stressful part of it. The Taliban had taken over Kabul, but there were many different militant groups that also had cross -border sections. Isis had a section. It was all done under confidentiality. We had to do it at different times, all families could not just leave immediately, because it looked too clear, and then they had to find solid enough stories for when they came to the gate about why they went to Pakistan. Then it just dripped through the border, Jones said.

In 2022, nine of the Afghan players in Canberra arrived with the rest of the cricketers that came to Melbourne. The 19 players are still in Australia and some players play in the exhibition match on Thursday. Since the Taliban took over in Afghanistan in 2021, the new government has forbidden women to be in public and participate in sports. Horrendous does not cover it. You have nothing to live for. You can't go to school, no education. There are decisions by the Taliban about the fact that they don't speak to someone outside of your family. You can't sing, you can't read poetry, you can't do anything. It's getting worse. It's a prison. Said Jones.

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Afghanistan Cricket Board had 25 female cricketers under contract in November 2020 after the country had acquired a full member status of the International Cricket Council in 2017. The players prepared to play their first international match against Oman in 2021 when the ban was imposed. They had signed their contracts, they train. They were not all roses, but things progressed in a way they were pretty happy with. It was so close. It was just around the corner. They got uniforms and thought they would play on the track for a month under the flag of the Afghanistan and the colors of Afghanistan just to pull that away. Said Jones.

Although Australia does not play Afghanistan in the bilateral series because of the ladies' cricket ban, the two countries play against each other in ICC tournaments. With the Afghan women who find work in Australia and play for local clubs, except for competing in exhibition matches such as those on Thursday, Jones is hopeful that the problem will be solved one day.

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“They like the fact that they play cricket, they like the fact that they have the freedom to go out and express themselves. But there is still serious trauma for them. Physical health, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, all those traumas. It has been exceptionally difficult. Said Jones.

The Thursday game will be played prior to the opening day of the Dag-Night Ladies Astest at the MCG between Australia and England. It is really special for us, especially for Afghan women, because this is a very historic moment for Afghan women. We can show when we play on this ground, we play for Afghanistan. This is a victory for Afghan women because we have a big heap on this competition that can open this competition to Doors for Afghan women for education, sports and the future. Together we not only build a team, but a moment for change and progress, Afghanistan XI captain Nahida Sapan told reporters on Tuesday.




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