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Charlotte Domestennis Set for three games in four days

Charlotte Domestennis Set for three games in four days



CHARLOTTE Charlotte Women's Tennis will organize a trio competitions in four days at Lifetime Fitness and the Halton-Wagner Tennis Complex with Mercer, Wingate and Charleston Southern on tap.

The 49ers open on Thursday at 9 a.m. against Mercer before they returned to the campus for their first outdoor match of the year against Wingate at 2 p.m.

Explore the bears

Mercer went 14-8 last season, including a 4-3 record in the Southern Conference. It marked the most victories through the program in more than ten years.

The bears went on to the semi-final of the Socon Tournament before they dropped 4-1 against top-ranking Etsu.

Explore the bulldogs

Wingate finished unbeaten last season in 12 games in the South Atlantic Conference. The program generally went 22-3.

The Bulldogs fell in the SAC championship to Catawba in Catawba, but still hit their ticket to the NCAA Division II tournament. Wingate reached the quarterfinals of the NCAA tournament before he fell at no. 8 Midwestern State, 4-3.

Exploring the Buccaneers

Charleston Southern went 12-7 last season with a 4-1 record in the Big South Conference.

The Buccaneers fell 4-3 to UNC Asheville in the Big South Championship. Charleston Southern has made four consecutive performances in the title competition of the conference, but ended in every second place.

Well -known leader

Anthony Davison Returns for his seventh season that the 49 people lead after he was named the coach of the year from 2024 Ita Carolina.

The old leader of Charlotte is wearing a 111-42 (.725) Dual-Match Record in his last season, including a 62-5 Mark at home. He led the 49 people to the second most victories in one season in 2021 (21) and an appearance in the conference USA Championship the following year. He was named the first conference coach of the year of the program for his efforts.

Davison is the fastest coach in program history to achieve 100 victories after this in just 138 games.

Sara's striking fall

Sara Suchankova Extensive her autumn tournament season thanks to success at several national events.

She reached the ITA Carolina Regional Quarterfinals to earn a place in the Ita Sectional Championships. Suchankova fell in the Virginia's Elaine Chervinsky tournament, which was no. 34 in the latest ITA National Ranklist.

Only a second -year year, Suchankova also reached the American Athletic Conference Individual Championship semi -final thanks to victories above South Florida, East Carolina and Utsa.

Return home

Colleague -Two -year -old student Paula Dougherty This fall, waves also made with a team-high 10 victories.

The resident of Raleigh returned to North Carolina for the autumn tournament season after a year in the state of Montana. She reached the top of the state rankings in high school while visiting the North Carolina Cyber ​​Academy and represented the State team in the Ozaki Cup where her team first won a victory in more than 30 years .

Dougherty won her first spring singles victory with the 49ers 6-0, 6-0 of the No. 4 place against Queens.

A late tournament run

Last season, Verses and kofore Led Charlotte's Run on the American Athletic Conference Tournament.

She won an nearly four-hour competition with a few 6-4 frames to help the 49 people to a 4-3 victory over Wichita State in the quarter-finals of the AAC. A 4-1 loss for No. 3 Seed Memphis in the semi-final ended their run.

Nakano has a 2-0 doubles record with partner Ni XI Thanks to a 5-2 victory against South Carolina State and a 6-4 victory over Harvard.

New faces

Charlotte Domestennis returns several striking striking in addition to a harvest of new faces for the Dual-Match season for spring.

Dougherty and Amira BadawiA graduate transfer, you join first -year students Prisca AbbasNi XI And Yelyzaveta Chainykova As newcomers in the team. Chainykova recently finished a Stint on the Pro Tour before he came to the team for spring and recently earned her first WTA points in Tunisia.

XI and Abbas ended the autumn tournament season with seven singles wins each. Badawi also made a quick impact with a team-high seven Doubles victories, led by a 3-0 record in combination with Dougherty.

Badawi comes to Charlotte at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and two at Rutgers after three seasons. She conquered a three-set victory in her final year at Rutgers to help the program to his first victory over Minnesota in program history.

The newcomers of the 49ers are a combined 9-1 in the Dual-Match Singles Slate in the spring.


Charlotte closes his homestand against Clemson at 1 p.m. on 7 February before going on the road a week later to record Elon.




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