Syracuse football players shine in All-Star Games: McCord is the best man in Dallas and it's not close
![Syracuse football players shine in All-Star Games: McCord is the best man in Dallas and it's not close Syracuse football players shine in All-Star Games: McCord is the best man in Dallas and it's not close](
Syracuse, NY-Zeven Syracuse players will participate in college Football All-Star Games for the next three days as part of an attempt to improve their status prior to NFL Draft from April.
The Orange have five players who participate in the East-West Shrine Bowl in Dallas on Thursday, a collection led by Quarterback Kyle McCord and including a tight end Oronde Gadsden II, wide recipient Jackson Meeks, defensive back Alijah Clark and defensive end Fadil Diggs
Syracuse also has two players who participate in the senior bowl. Runnende Lequint Allen and Linebacker/Safety Justin Barron plays in Mobile, Alabama.
The games include in advance exercises that are open to scouts and reporters. Some of the orange highlights attract all attention.
Nfl.coms Chad Reuter was one of the many in the Shrine Bowl who pointed out that McCord was the class of the Quarterbacks during the event (Colorados Shedeur Sanders did not participate).
In his assessment of MCCord he wrote: McCord was able to change his arm angles to find folds for screens and fast outs and was accurately throwing while he went to his left and right. His experience was apparent when working under the middle, the ball in the context of the Play-Action and finding a Downfield place to tear the ball. In a concept with a superior depth at the most important position of the games, MCCord did what was needed to complete a top-125 concept figure.
CBS Sport Ryan Wilson Shared a similar assessment of MCCord, who called him a potential top 100 concept choice, and he noted that Meeks might have joined him as the best in his position group in the Bowl's Shrine.
Wilson noted that Meeks even flashed skills that he could not often show at SU.
In his assessment he wrote: At Syracuse the plan usually concerned the ball to break quickly, in routes and let him do the rest. During the training sessions of the Shrine Bowl, Meeks consistently showed his ability to create separation for vertical routes, to follow the ball well in the air and to make disputed catches when the chance asked about it.
MCCord is one of the three Syracuse players that is arranged as a top five prospect of a specific position ESPN Draft Analyst Mel Kiper Jr.
Kiper has currently arranged MCCord as the No. 5 Quarterback that is available in the Draft, all as number 3 and Gadsden as the number 2 H-back.
Those who are present at the All-Star games have taken note of both all and gadsden, as well as Diggs and Barron. An eighth Syracuse draw hopeful, Linebacker Marlowe Wax, had an interception in the Hula Bowl earlier this winter.
The Shrine Bowl is planned to start on Thursday at 8 p.m. and broadcast on the NFL network. The senior bowl starts on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. and is also shown on the NFL network.
NFL Draft will take place between April 24 and April 26 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Syracuse has not taken three players in the design since 2013, when Justin Pugh, Ryan Nassib and Shamarko Thomas were all picked.
Pugh is the last orange player to be chosen in the first round. Nassib is the last quarterback from SU that was chosen.
The last time Syracuse had taken more than three players in the design was 2006, when Anthony Smith, Quinn Ojinnaka, James Wyche and Ryan Lacasse were all selected.
Always contact Chris Carlson: E -Mail | Twitter | 315-382-7932
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