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Utah keeps in-arena fan votes by team name, logo

Utah keeps in-arena fan votes by team name, logo



The Utah Hockey Club has limited the options for its permanent nickname to three and gives fans the opportunity to choose the winning candidate.

Smith Entertainment Group announced on Wednesday that the three finalists are the Utah Hockey Club, the Utah Mammoth and the Utah Wasatch. Fans will be able to vote for iPad stations that have been set up in the entire Delta center for a four-game stretch that started with the 3-2 overtime loss on Wednesday for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Fans will choose from the three names and two potential logos – the one logo that hockey club and Wasatch would accompany and the other linked to Mammoth.

The mood in this phase of the process is only done in Aarena. Smith Entertainment Group director Mike Maughan said. Did that because this time names and potential logos were with them. Because of the logos, this only did this in Arena and do not show them publicly so that we can protect those images.

Utah plans to announce the winning name and the logo at the same time to be determined after the end of this season and before the start of the following season. Hockey Club was the name selected for Utah's inaugural NHL season after co-owners Ryan and Ashley Smith bought the contracts of Arizona Coyotes managers, coaches and players.

The voices of fans will continue when Utah organizes the Columbus Blue Jackets on Friday, St. Louis Blues on Sunday and Philadelphia Flyers on Tuesday. Maughan estimated that Utah will have around 15,000 fans for each of the four home games that get the chance to vote.

MAUGhan said it should be determined whether after this there will be another phase that is needed to select the winning name and the logo, but in the end the fans will have the last word because Ryan and Ashley Smith see the team as a community asset.

[The Smiths] View this as a really exciting opportunity to do something that has never been done in the history of professional sports, which fans involve to this level and go with them through this entire process while we want to call a team together, said Muughan. That was what was very enthusiastic about. They are very community -oriented and community -oriented people and were pleased to announce this next phase of the process where everyone works well with the name of the team.

The Fan Survey will be performed using methodology provided by Qualtrics, an experience management company that Ryan Smith has co-founder. The same process was used to select the mountain basketball uniforms that were worn by the Utah Jazz NBA team.

This is the fourth phase of fans' involvement, which started with an open invitation for suggestions. Those suggestions were limited by voting to the top 20 and then the top six. Hockey Club and Mammoth are the remaining names of voices on that top six. Wasatch is a new entry instead of Yeti.

Utah decided to continue from Yeti after he was unable to reach a coexistence agreement with Yeti Cooler Company, of which Maughan said it has a unique and strong trademark about something published Yeti or Yetis, the singular or the plural on Clothing or other licensed equipment.

The name Wasatch is in tribute on the Wasatch Mountains who run from the border between Utah-Idaho to the south to Central Utah.

Five-like percent of Utahans lives within 15 miles of what is called the Wasatch front, this mountain range, said Maughan. It is therefore able to honor this idea of ​​a mythical snow scoop, but with a very utah-centric approach.

The logo that would accompany the hockey club and Wasatch names is an image of that mythical snow scoop. The mammoth name is linked to a logo with an illustration of a mammoth.

They are all designed in a very bright and suitable way for an NHL hockey team, said Maughan.

During the survey, fans can choose from different combinations of the names and accompanying logos, including what they would look like on sweaters and on the ice.

Although the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States has previously rejected submissions for Hockey Club and Mammoth, Maughan said together with the 18 other names from the last 20.

This is a very standard part of every process that is mentioned, said Maughan. Now of course it tried to do things in a much more condensed way than has largely been done in professional sports, so that entire process were accelerated. But nothing is unexpected. We have known about it for months and have strategies to tackle everything that would come from the trademark office with regard to one of the names that are earlier on the list or that remain on the list today.




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