What is Racket operation in table tennis?

Work together in a small room, just next to the playing hall of the 86one Senior National Table Tennis Championships in the Dindayal Upadhyay Stadium Pandit in Surat, Amit Singh is visited by visitor officers and media.
The Senior Nationals is only the second time that the Table Tennis Federation of India Racket Control has introduced in a tournament. The first was on the 86one Junior and Youth National Championships in Vadodara earlier this month.
Singh has been a table tennis referee for more than a decade. He achieved the Blue Badge the highest level of referee certification by the International Table Tennis Federation in 2017.
But Singh has started a new hat in the past six months.
Singh was invited by the ITTF for a camp during the Asian table tennis championships 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan last October. After an intense eight-day training session, he was certified as a racket controller the first of his kind in India.
What is a racket controller?
As the name suggests, a racket controller is an official who controls the types of rackets that are used in a competition. Someone who checks the paddle for legality and ensures that it adheres to all the regulations and has no player an unfair benefit or a competitive advantage in relation to the others because of the equipment they use.
Racket Control has been an important aspect of the sport for years. However, Singh's recent certification has aroused interest in the subject within the Indian table tennis brotherhood.
We are investigating it first [the racket] Visually Singh tells The bridge, Sitting in the room with its equipment placed on a table, Enthusiastic to share his newly acquired knowledge. Then we go to the machines.
The visual inspection includes checking the PLY manufacturer and the rubber. It is then graduated with the list of authorized rubbers by the ITTF. If the manufacturer's name does not appear in the list, the racket cannot be used to play.
The details afterwards
There are three machines a VOC or Mini beam, a flatness device and a thickness device. Then there is a loop that is rarely used.
The first step in the process after visual inspection is the volatile organic connection or VOC machine, which detects harmful gases in the rubber in the racket.
The machine is pressed on both sides of the racket on the colored side for 20 seconds to get a lecture.
This is because players use different types of adhesives in the racket to increase the speed, Singh explained. The acceptable level here is 3.3 and when reading [on the machine] Exchange that, the racket is considered illegal.
Singh evokes all the details loudly, who still has an official at his side drawings for documentation.
Once the VOC has been checked, the time is to check the racket on flatness. It is mandatory to be a racket flat.
If the surface of a racket on both sides is not equal or flat, it can produce variations for the shots played. This brings the opponent to a huge disadvantage because they cannot predict how the ball will behave on return.
There are two types of flat concave and convex, Singh explained. For concave flatness, the measuring limit is negative at -0.50 and in convex it is at +0.20.
Flatness is measured diagonally in two ways on both sides of the racket. Once this has been erased, the process moves to the thickness.
In the meantime, thickness is checked from four different corners on both sides of the racket. An average of all four measurements gives the thickness value for each side.
For the thickness, the limit with sponge is less than 4.10 and without sponge it is less than 2.10, shared singh.
Thickness also helps to increase the pace that is given to the ball.
The thickness, flatness machines and the loop used for Table Tennis Racket control (Photocredit: Abhijit Nair/ The Bridge)
If Singh suspects that the thickness is too low, it checks the racket again with the loop.
Sometimes the players act smartly and use glue to press the layer and if we suspect that this is the case after observing with the loop, we dismantle the racket and check it again, he grinned.
However, Singh quickly points out that he has no control over the outcome if a racket turns out to be illegal according to the set parameters.
Racket Control cannot call racket illegal, he said. It is our job to check it and to inform the details to the referee, who decides which action must be taken.
Sometimes the player gets a second or third chance before being disqualified, it all depends on the referee, he added.
The competing players have the option to have their rackets checked voluntarily before a match. If it does not happen, Singh marks the tables of the players, who are ready to play and have their rackets checked.
The match referee takes a note and only takes the rackets to him, where the necessary tests are performed. If it is found illegal, the referee is involved.
When a racket is found illegally just before a match, the player has to play with another racket. If the player wins and even the other racket is found that does not comply with the standards, the result is stated.
It takes Singh about three and a half minutes to check a racket. He claims to have checked more than 150 rackets every day with both junior and youth nationals, and the senior subjects and has found illegal rackets at both events.
We are made players who do not know the regulations, understand it and that does not mean that there are not players who do it intentionally, he said.
We have also found illegal rackets here. We informed the players and changed them, Singh added.
The core objective of Racket Control is Fair Play and with SingHS certification the TTFI has the opportunity to level the domestic playing field.
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