No. 25 Herentennis opens on Sunday before the spring schedule against Bryant and Nichols
![No. 25 Herentennis opens on Sunday before the spring schedule against Bryant and Nichols No. 25 Herentennis opens on Sunday before the spring schedule against Bryant and Nichols](
No. 25 men's tennis at Bryant | Noon
vs. Nichols | 2.30 pm
Sunday 2 February | For the Hof Racquet & Fitness Club | Cumberland, RI
What to know
After playing a few double matches and participating in three tournaments in September and October, the tennis team of Babson Men starts on Sunday afternoon in Cumberland, Ri
Looking back on last year
The Beavers won 10 of the 11 games last spring before they fell to end the season in the final of the Newmac Tournament to end the season with an overall record of 14-9 and a 6-1 conference marking.
Babson went 8-0 in home games, while eight of the nine losses were as national-arranged opponents with the other setback to Division I Bryant.
The Green and White ended 31st in the last Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) Division III survey after completing a program of 18th in the last ITA Division III survey in 2023.
Series History
vs. Bryant
Babson is always 2-3 against the Bulldogs in a series dating from the 1994-95 campaign.
In the only two games in the past 20 years, Bryant achieved a 4-3 victory on 22 February 2020 and a 6-1 decision on 4 February 2024.
vs. Nichols
Babson is always 6-1 against the bizon in a series dating from 2011.
The Beavers have won the last five games between the teams, including last year's 8-1 triumph on 4 February.
Last meeting
vs. Bryant
JuniorBrady AndersonRegistered a 6-3, 7-5 victory at number 1 singles and collaborated with classmate LepsoeFor a 6-4 victory over number 1 Doubles for Babson in a 6-1 Bryant triumph last February.
Sophomore Otakar Ungerman, Diego Serra Sparrow '24, senior Jean-Christophe Baril, Diego Trejo '24, and second-year Daniel Baquero produced singles victories for the Bulldogs, who earned the double point with victories and bquero and bqueroero Trejo and Myles Peterson at number 3.
vs. Nichols
Jonah Wilson M'24 and junior Martin's Mejijan Was winners in both Singles and Doubles to lead the beavers in February to an 8-1 win over Nichols.
Anderson, Caymus Choi And Eshan Mukherjee were singles winners for green and white, while Andrew Watson M'24, Brandon Rezniksecond -year Mattias Harrell And Jose Gonzalez '24 were on winning Double Teams.
Scouting the Beavers
No. 25 Babson (2-0, 2-0 Newmac) closed the autumn part of his schedule with a 6-1 victory over Emerson and a 7-0 whitewash on Clark in a few conference matches on October 18.
First -year Edward Wang And Sebastian MendozaHarrell and Junior Alexander Weber Won singles matches against both Newmac enemies, and Anderson, Harrell and Weber were all busy winning double teams in both meetings.
Wang had an impressive start of his Rookie year and went 11-0 in Singles in the fall, including 9-0 in tournament game and 2-0 at number one singles in the double matches.
Mendoza was in Singles and Harrell in the fall 5-4 was 5-2 for the Beavers. Wang and Junior Transfer Alexander Merson Were 5-3 in Doubles and the tandem of Anderson/Lepsoe was 5-4.
Explore the bulldogs
Bryant (0-1), who will organize the state of Youngstown and Brandeis on Saturday before he met Babson on Sunday, opened the spring with a 4-1 setback on Harvard last Sunday.
The Bulldogs earned the Doubles point against the Crimson with victories by Ungman and graduated student Sepehr Raissi at number 1 (6-4) and the duo of Peterson and Baquero at number 3 (7-5).
First-year Miguel Machado went 9-2 in a tournament last fall and leads the team in Singles victories, while Baquero was 6-6 in Singles and Baril 4-5 for the Bulldogs.
Bryant went 12-7 last year and fell in the first round of the Southland Conference Cournament in the sixth placed New Orleans.
Explore the bison
Nichols (1-2) makes his spring debut on Sunday after beating Clark (4-3) and falls to Amherst (7-0) and Connecticut College (4-3) in double competitions last fall.
Senior Kerem Subasi went 4-1 in Singles (3-1 at number 3) in the fall to lead the team in victories. Senior Oscar Junyent, first-year Felipe Gonzalez and graduate student Caio Datckmann all ended the fall with 3-1 singles records.
Gonzalez and Junior Leon Zeis were the best double team with a 2-1 record, including 2-0 at number 1.
The Bison, who finished 14-8 in general last year and 7-0 in the Commonwealth Coast Conference, captured the CCC Tournament title and a victory in the first round of Farmingdale State in the first round of the NCAA tournament before he Secondly, round was round.
What's new before 2024-25
This season, the ITA and NCAA have accepted a new 7-point score format for double competitions with only one point for Doubles.
All Doubles matches are played on 6 points with a 7-point tiebreaker on 6-all.
Singles competitions remain the best two-out-of-three sets.
Ita Rankings
Babson, who ended 31st in the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) of last year, the ranking of ITA), comes in the spring season in 25th place in this year's ranking.
The Beavers will be confronted against eight teams in the ITA Top 40 this spring – no. 18 Rensselaer, No. 3 Tufts, No. 5 Middlebury, No. 33 Salisbury, No. 32 Grinnell, No. 22 North Carolina Wesleyan, no. 34 Chapman and no. 23 MIT.
Led by Michael KopelmanThe one in his seventh season is as head coach, the Beavers appeared in five consecutive seasons in the last national poll of the season.
Babson will be confronted with ranked teams in the following four games, starting against no. 18 Rensselaer on February 14 in the Longfellow Tennis Club in Wellesley, adjacent to the Babson campus.
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