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'I'm not going to call it a jumping game'

'I'm not going to call it a jumping game'



The Great Wednesday of Troy Dannen continued his monthly performance at Sports Nightly.

After a day filled with hernamen of memorial radio cabin, volleyball coach pension and recruitments, Dannen dropped more information about the Red-White Spring Game of Nebraska Football Red-White. The competition marks the last day of spring practices, usually in April or early May.

Dannen said on Sports Nightly that the Husker football program would hold its last spring training on 26 April, but warned fans not to expect the usual game-like event.

Dylan Raiola throws a touchdown pass during the 2024 Nebraska Football Red-White Spring Game.

Dylan Raiola throws a touchdown pass during the 2024 Nebraska Football Red-White Spring Game. / Kenny Larabee, Klin

“I'm not going to call it a game,” said Dannen. “Don't expect it to be a 'spring game', because I don't expect it to be a game. I don't know what it will be yet – that's really Matt (Rhule's) call.”

The Huskers have held a red-white scrimmage every year with two teams participating in a game-like format on the last day of spring practices.

With the changes that arrive in the University Football with the new schedule rule of 105 men, Nebraska, however, had to crop its past schedule that almost 150 players fluctuated up to 130 before the start of spring practices. Matt Rhule and the Huskers may have chosen to register for the traditional spring game due to the change in the figures. Dannen agreed with that philosophy and quoted a growing national standard in the University Football.

Nebraska Athletic director Troy Dannen speaks on the annual

Nebraska Athletic director Troy Dannen speaks at the annual “A Night at the Lied” event 28 April 2024. / Nebraska Athletics

“Real games as we know them in the spring fall for the road for many reasons, but there will be something,” said Dannen.

Dannen added that Nebraska fans would still be admitted for the last day of spring practices, but exactly what will take place, still has to be determined. An option, he said, is a “Fall Sports Preview” where volleyball, football and other athletics would also participate.

“It will be April 26, so we can at least circling and figuring out what that looks like,” he said.

Dante Downell breaks free for a 49-Yard Touchdown-Run during the Nebraska Red-White Spring Game 2024.

Dante Downell breaks freely for a 49-Yard Touchdown-Run during the Nebraska Red-White Spring Game 2024. / Cory Edmondson, KFGE

Injuries were an important reason for change, according to Dannen, which cited a few ACL injuries in last year's competition.

“I think the football staff will go behind what they want to do in the coming weeks,” he said. “Whether it is a seven-to-do thing or whether he brings back some alums or whether he plays flag football, I don't know, but you know, a de-nadelen at stake, the contact section.”

“It is another era from the point of view of compensation and the zero and the investment there,” said Dannen. “Transfer Portal will open dates immediately after that spring game. And so I expect something that will not be broadcast on television, but something that will be a celebration of our athletes. We will see some skills and see what they have and then go from there . “

For now, fans will have to wait to see what the Huskers will do with their date of 26 April.

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