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Ollie Watkins: Aston Villa Striker open to Arsenal Move in January Transfaars Star – Paper Talk | Football news

Ollie Watkins: Aston Villa Striker open to Arsenal Move in January Transfaars Star – Paper Talk | Football news



Transfer the top stories and rumors about Friday's newspapers …

Daily mail

Ollie Watkins would be open this month to join Arsenal, but Aston Villa is determined to keep the England international.

Marco Asensio is one of a number of attacking players who monitors Aston Villa while Unai Emery seems to strengthen his team before the transfer window closes on 3 February.

Manchester United had to reduce Patrick Dorgu's Medical with the club only a few days before Deadline Day because the relevant documentation and contracts were not completed on time for the original test.

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Henry Winter claims that the signing of Patrick Dorgu is a 'explanation' for Manchester Untied Boss Ruben Amorim

Manchester City has a big boost with regard to Rodri's fitness, with the club to name him in their 25-player Champions League team for the knockout phase, despite a serious knee injury that has kept him outside since September.

Reigning champions Ovale Invincibles were the first of the eight hundred teams that corresponded to a private investment agreement on Thursday when the owners of Mumbai Indians are an interest of 49 percent for £ 60 million insured.

Newcastle will involve architects to lead the redesign of St James' Park or a new building in the nearby Leases Park.

The prospect of an emotional return for Mauricio Pochettino to Tottenham in the case of Ange Postecoglou is very unlikely.

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Jamie Redknapp and Dharmesh Sheth discuss the last with Manchester United Vooruit Marcus Rashford.

Sean Longstaff will reject the interest of Premier League and fight for his place in Newcastle.

Rafa Benitez has excluded itself from the race for the vacancy of the head coach in Botafogo.

Newcastle is very unlikely that it will do a transfer activities for the deadline of Monday evening.

Crystal Palace -midfielder Cheick Doucoure is out for the season after a new serious injury.

Sportsbank, the investment vehicle that has been concluded an exclusivity agreement to participate in Crystal Palace, can make a switch to the Interior Cricket.

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The transfer from Sky Sports News Round-Up All Transfer News of the Premier League with four days left in the January window.

Bournemouth wants to conclude a loan agreement for a new striker before the transfer deadline of next week, with the first choice of Evanilson about five weeks away from available, and Back-up Center Vooruit Eis in the long term with a serious knee injury.

Crystal Palace is working on a deal for Juventus defender Tiago Djalo, 24, who has to break down his loan with Porto before he switches to Palace.

Newcastle has had conversations with Malaga-wing player Antonio Cordero about a pre-contract agreement.


Al Nassr weigh a shock movement for Midfielder Mateo Kovacic from Manchester City.

Chelsea is ready to go directly to the thread in their plans to land Alejandro Garnacho.

Barcelona could play the last two games of their Laliga season in a stadium of the third division.

The independent

Chelsea is interested in Borussia Dortmund -goalkeeper Gregor Kobel, although every movement in the summer is more likely.


Tottenham has reached an oral agreement with Bayern Munich about a deal worth around £ 50 million for Mathys Tel, where the attacker set to decide whether he wants to join Spurs or wait for other interested clubs.

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Jamie Redknapp reveals that he spoke with Harry Kane of Bayern Munich about teammate and Spurs Target Mathys Tel

The Saudi Pro League has launched an edition spree before the transfer market closes on Friday, with all NASSR ready to publish a combined £ 140 million to bring in Kaoru Mitoma and Jhon Duran.

Kevin De Bruyne is open to the possibility of expanding his contract with Manchester City.

Daily Telegraaf

Aston Villa remains non -free that they do not want to sell Ollie Watkins, because it emerged the opening offer of Arsenal, about half the price that the Midlands Club appreciated him on.

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Sky Sports News' Kaveh Solhekol and Dharmesh Sheth offer the latest updates about Arsenal's offer to sign Aston Villa striker Ollie Watkins

Jordan Henderson is talking about a free transfer from Ajax to Monaco.

The English cricket raised more than £ 100 million on the first day of the hundred franchise sale after the interests were sold to the richest family in Asia and the American Investment Fund supported by Tom Brady that owns Birmingham City.

Pep Guardiola is ready to register Rodri for the knockout phases of the Champions League in the hope that the Ballon d'Or winner can return this season from his serious knee injury to play in the last phases of the competition.


Marco Asensio and Joao Felix are among the list of options that Aston Villa is considering because they strive to recruit this window.

Watford is almost a loan agreement for Chelsea left back Caleb Wiley.

Arsenal's optimistic David Raya will be available for selection against Manchester City on Sunday.

Sergio Ramos is talking to Monterrey about a possible move to the Mexican club, but no formal proposal has been received.

Barcelona has asked for an extension to play El Clasico in the Estadi Olimpic Lluis Company with the stadium that probably does not organize Rolling Stones concert in the same weekend as the La Liga match against Real Madrid.

The guardian

Aston Villa weighs a movement for Matheus Cunha with Jhon Duran to complete his transfer to Al Nassr on Thursday.

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We look back on the best goals of Matheus Cunha and so far helps in the Premier League campaign of 2024/2025

The Rugby Football Union would consider organizing England competitions during the six countries on Friday evening when it works for broadcasters in the midst of a push from organizers for trade unions to show more flexibility for kick-off times.

The Chief Executive of Middlesex, Andrew Cornish, has risked the cricket board of England and Wales by criticizing a central element of the new diversity rules of the provinces that come into effect on Saturday.

Daily mirror

Jordan Henderson is stripped of the Ajax captain after his attempt to force a departure from the Dutch club has taken a dramatic turn.

Paris Saint-Germain was the only club in Europe that spends more money on the international transfer market last year than Manchester United.

Arsenal is one of the best European clubs that currently follow the teenager goalkeeper Deniz Donmezer from Adana Demirspor.

Daily record

Allegedly Celtic to Manchester United regards full-back Tyrell Malacia as an alternative if they do not bring Kieran Tierney back to Parkhead this month.

The Scottish Sun

David Gray has stated that he has never lost confidence in his ability to manage Hibernian.

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