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University of Minnesota Athletics



Minneapolis – With four -point nights of Erik Påhlsson, Jimmy SnugdoedAnd Brodie ZiemerThe No. 4 Minnesota men's hockey team scored five unanswered goals to collect by no. 17/18 Wisconsin, 5-2, Fridayside 3M Arena in Mariucci.

The Golden Gophers (20-6-3 General, 11-4-2 B1G) erased a 2-0 deficit at the end of the first period and were unbeaten against the badgers (11-13-3 General, 6-10- 1 B1G) in their last five meetings. The chestnut and gold scored twice in the second frame to even the game, on the way to a crucial third period in which it brought two to break open the game before the 20th victory of the season ended in an empty net. Snugdoud and Ziemer each registered two goals and two assists, while Påhlsson had a goal and three helpers while the line rode the victory of the Gophers of the Gophers.

It was a physical struggle of the opening face-off, the fitting of a more than 100 years of rivalry, but the first shot of the night found the back of the net for the visitors at 3:03. A screened bid from the point was tipped on the edge of the fold when Wisconsin took an early lead. Minnesota was unable to test the opposite goalkeeper until almost eight minutes had passed when Ziemer put a shot put on goal after an attack zone faceoff victory. The badgers added their second goal with 8:46 to the opening frame while held a loose puck near the left post home. The Gophers fought to come back in the game and a Aaron Huglen Try during a 2-on-1 with John Mittelstadt was rejected with a sliding salvation. It remained a shortage of two goals during a break.

The chestnut brown and gold revolved the script around the visitors in the second stanza and came from the dressing room with renewed energy. They started to build an attack and got four shots in the first three minutes. After Wisconsin had agreed the increase, it generated the chances of itself that forced it to be just like that Liam Souriere To be at best to keep it 2-0. The Gophers used their defenders to start the hurry in the middle of the frame when they looked for their first goal. That was at 12:49 of the period of the stick of snuggied. The Junior raced around a tie and tore a sharp shot of the right face of the right opposite the shoulder of the goalkeeper, causing the crowd to ignore capacity.

After reaching the critical goal, it was souliere who stopped a coupling path for Minnesota in the next service when the badgers wanted to regain the benefit of two goals. With just 63 seconds in the middle frame, Ziemer De Gophers even pulled a rebound in the slot. Påhlsson started the piece by controlling the net for a wrapped opportunity and the rebound ended up at the feet of his co -first year student. Ziemer quickly got the puck to his forehand and slid a shot under the pads and sent the teams to the third period stuck.

Momnesota stayed with Minnesota to start the last frame, but it was again souliere that was the difference maker, who knew a flurry of Wisconsin recordings in a 30-second piece. His position gave the attack of the Gophers a chance to take over and that was exactly the case when Påhlsson set up the final game winner 5:43 in the period. Born in the Swedish, the keeper of the badgers fooled and shot to the short side instead of passing Mike Koster Free a loose puck who delivered a strange man.

Minnesota held the pillow of one goal and hit Pucks deep in the attacking zone and the ties did not allow at any time and space to build a persistent rush. When the game broke, Gopher -skaters were there to block shots, while Souliere came through Save After Save. Snugdoud and Ziemer scored 20 seconds apart in the last three minutes of the game that put the finishing touches on an impressive comeback effort.

Ziemer caught the badgers that pinch and went behind his back to drop a pass to Påhlsson, who screwed a Cross-Cice feed to Snuggerdaud's waiting stick. The Product of Chaska, Minn., Tucked his second goal of the night home, making it a 4-2 match with 2:32 to play. Wisconsin chose to pull his keeper in the last three minutes, but it was Ziemer who sealed the 5-2 victory in the open cage.

Souliere (9-4-1 General) closed the night by making 33 saves, including 13 in the third period, taking his second consecutive outing with more than 30 stops.


Snuggled his career-long goal streak to six games, the longest active series in college hockey, and added two assists to take over as the NCAA scorer with 41 points this season … The junior placed the 14th multi-won Point Game of the Year and 37th of his term of office in Dinkytown, who corresponds to four points, and has 13 points in the last six games … Snuggudaud is now one of the elite company in the program history, because his second goal, because his second goal Friday the 20th of the 20th was season, only the third goher who scores 20 or more goals in three consecutive seasons to start their collegial career and join the M Club Hall of Famers John Mayasich and Dick Dougherty with the performance that Since 1954 has not been reached anymore … Ziemer found the score sheet for the fourth Straight match, a new career-long series, and has 11 points in his last nine games thanks to his career-best four points Friday … The Chasksa, Minn., Native became the fourth player of the Gophers to score double-digit goals in 2024-25 and his 11 goals is in third place in the country under first-year students … For the third time during his last four outings, Påhlsson has one Multi-assist version delivered and his point totally stretched to 17 behind the first four-point game of his career … He scored his third goal in general and only since a three-point effort versus Mercyhurst (January. 3) … Cal Thomas collected his fifth assist and the sixth point of the year, two of which were the last five performances, on the draw … Koster pushed his pointed total to 13, and achieved double -digit assists for the fourth consecutive season, and now has a point In back-to-back competitions for the third time this year … Friday marked the 20th victory of the season of the season, a milestone that they have reached in five consecutive campaigns and 11 times in the past 14 years, and achieved that number in the month of January for the second time in that piece … The series opener saw a total of four penalties and both were matching minors because neither teams received a power play during the game … Minnesota went into the night with an average of 13 , 2 shots on Doel in the first period of matches this season, but only five Friday, the second lowest total of the year, before they fell 16 on goal in the second period of two goals … De Gophers gave themselves About the first goal of the match for the fifth straight match … For the first time since he joined the chestnut and gold, Souliere followed successful history and the third consecutive sale for Minnesota.

Coach Motzko's comments

“Well, we needed that. The first period is something we have seen for a while and we had to dig us up and fight our heels”, Minnesota head coach Bob Motzko said. “The next two periods we played as if we had to play. Liam was great in the net and (snuggled) was a superstar tonight. We fought after that first period.”

Next: Home vs. Wisconsin (February 1)

The Gophers and Badgers play for the fourth and last time during the regular season 2024-25 during a Gold Out in 3M Arena in Mariucci Saturday Night. Puck Drop is planned at 5 pm Live on FOX9 and streaming on B1G+ with audio sale available via the Gopher Radio Network.




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