Sachin Tendulkar urges young Indian cricketers not to be 'distracted' – Watch | Cricket -Nieuws

New Delhi: Legendary Indian cricket player Sachin Tendulkar urged the younger players to not be derived by disruptions during the Board of Control for Cricket for Cricket in India (BCCI) Awards 2025 in Mumbai.
Tendulkar was presented with the Colonel CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award. In addition to the remarkable achievement of achieving 100 hundreds, the Master Blaster holds the records for most runs in test and odi competitions.
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During the annual 'Naman Awards' function of the BCCI, ICC chairman Jay Shah gave the Lifetime Achievement Award to India Icon Sachin Tendulkar.
Speaking during the ceremony, Inflammation With the young people, to cherish what they have and to act in a responsible manner to promote the game and reputation of the nation.
“Without cricket we would not all be in this room, for me (cricket) the ultimate gift of life has been. We have bat and ball and there is no solid grasp that your grip on bat and ball starts to lose, start also A little slow grip on your career, “Tendulkar said.
'I should not give you advice and say, stay focused, whatever. But there will be distractions. Don't let them disrupt your career. Appreciate everything we have. And take care of your game managed when we had nothing. Give your best and make the best out of this opportunity, because you only realize once you have stopped playing cricket, where you were a few years ago, “Tendulkar added.
From 1989 to 2013, Tendulkar called the “God of Cricket“Gelted Cricket fans around the world with his unparalleled talent and brilliance. At the age of 16 -Tendulkar made his test debut on November 15, 1989 and on December 18 of the same year he played in his first ODI.
Tendulkar is still the leading run scorer in international cricket with 34,357 runs on an average of 48.52 in 664 performances. His record of 100 centuries and 164 half centuries is unparalleled in the history of sport. Tendulkar played a record of 200 test matches and became the first Batsman to reach a double century in ODIs.
Tendulkar was later posted on X: “Deep honored to receive the Colonel CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award. My cricket trip, which spanned 24 years, was never alone. Non -repellent support from every fan and my faith, love and sacrifices of family. “
Tendulkar scored 18,426 points on an average of 44.83 in ODIs, including 96 half centuries and 49 hundreds. He gained 15,921 runs on an average of 53.78 in test cricket, with 51 hundreds and 68 fifty. After his world cup debut from 1992, Tendulkar's Lifetime Desire was released in 2011 when he was a member of the ICC Cricket World Cup team in India.
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