Ohio State Football has a new face of his running back room, and he comes with a record -breaking comparison

Columbus, Ohio – James Peoples knows what he signed up for when he chose Ohio State as his home as a university football.
He knew that Hed would have to spend more than likely his first -year season, waiting in his turn behind Treveyon Henderson. When Ohio State Quinshon added Judkins as an Ole Miss Transfer, that did not change. It just added another person for him in line and he saw it as an opportunity instead of an obstacle.
It has been a disguised blessing, peoples told I am grateful that I have those guys in the room because I have been able to gain so much knowledge, not just the position, but how university football is and how to deal with certain situations and overcome adversity. Trey and Q see, how they go through adversity, how they deal with it and now how they overcome it. It has been a blessing.
Volkens played only 94 Snaps last season while watching Henderson and Judkins, each run for 1,000 yards. But he used those snaps to do the only possible that was possible last season, at least from a public perspective. Henderson and Judkins were something of a year. It was on peoples to flash an advantage that suggested that life without them would be in order.
He has achieved that with 197 Yards and wears two touchdowns on 49. But now the real work begins.
The resident of Texas quickly passed from a young guy who learns how to play College Football, to the leader and the face of a declining group that is demonstrably deeper than last season. But the list of people who are worried about it is not very long.
Some of those people think that the ceiling might be even higher, starting with peoples.
Yes, he's getting really good, Henderson said about people at the NFL Combine. He is smart. The way he does his business, he is mature. He grows as a person and as a player. So yes, certainly, Ohio State, that running room is in good hands.
He has a build like JK Dobbins and I also see some similarities in their game. I know JK Dobbins; He was a great run back. I feel that he has not spoken enough about it, but man, his career here, you look at his highlights, they are great. I remember that I had dedicated here, I remember looking at JK Dobbins height points, for years here, like four or five times. He was such a great back. I feel that when I see JK Dobbins when I see James Peoples, I see similarities with both games. I feel they play the same thing.
That is a high bar. Dobbins had three consecutive seasons of 1,000 meters and in 2019 for a school record 2,003 Yards on the way to finalist for the Doak Walker Award, given to the best countries that run back the best.
Comparing someone who only has 49 career carries to someone of that size should not be conceived lightly. But this is also not the first time those comparisons have been made.
Whether it is the build, the look or even the fact that both are from small cities in Texas, Peoples hears Dobbins comparisons since high school. Hearing the road declining coach Carlos Lockyn talks about his playing style only adds more fuel to that fire.
Compact runner, Locklyn said. He has good hands. Has really incredible burst with short environment. Tough, fast. Everything you want in a back, he has. He is not a little guy. He thinks he is 6 feet, but probably about 5-foot-10, about 210 pounds and he wants to have great knowledge of the game.
Locklyn thinks a lot about people, but he also has his way of doing things that not only feed an idea of what he should be. He established his telling it as if it is philosophy the moment he arrived, whether he spoke with his players, recruits, colleague coaches or even the media. He is not yet running on a hype train.
One thing I and James are discussing is that it is a marathon, not a sprint, Locklyn said.
We live in a microwave club. We now want success immediately. I told him last year, you will learn from these two boys, and when you come, you will appreciate it. You will appreciate the climb. '
He was behind both (s) he learned. He now leads the room because he had a great guy to watch the room in Trey. He saw Q and Treys work ethics and now he works just as hard.
Voors knew what he signed up for, but he was also forced to grow up quickly. He also learned the company of College Football for three months in his career when the assistant coach he had registered for to play for, Tony Alford, left for Michigan Two Practices in the spring.
That comes with his own challenges to quickly adapt to a new person who is in charge, even if he had an earlier relationship with Locklyn through the recruitment process.
It was an eye opening for me, people said. To be honest, where I was mentally, it questioned me a few things. But I had to realize that this is a company.
His first test will be a potential top 10 matchup in a rematch of 30 August of the Cotton Bowl College Football Playoff match against Texas, his hometown school for which he chose the Buckeyes, just as Dobbins did.
If I hit that field, I will of course use the most opportunity I will have and out of the ball, people said. Yall can certainly expect a lot from me next year.
He is locked up, Locklyn said. I am excited to see him in a more demanding role where he gets the chance to show what he can do.
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