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Yorkshire v Essex – Abu Dhabi T20

Yorkshire v Essex – Abu Dhabi T20



Score card

An excellent all-round contribution from Dom Bess helped Yorkshire helped a winning start of their pre-season tour by Abu Dhabi, with a T20 victory on new coach Anthony McGraths former County Essex Eagles-with four Wickets with 4.2 overs.

Year 174 at the Tolerance Oval – part of the Sheikh Zayed International Stadium Complex – racete Yorkshire at their goal within 16 overs.

Opener Will Luxton and Wicketkeeper-Batter Jordan Tattertenall laid the platform with quick-fire 30s before Bess finished things with an unbeaten 32 from 19 balls.

Yorkshires Captain-The-Day was helped by fellow spinner Jafer Chohan, who contributed 10 to an uninterrupted seventh-Wicket partnership of 42.

Earlier, impressive Chohan and Bess both broke twice a piece after the latter had chosen to first bowl, so that Essex was limited to 173-6.

The Headingley side then broke the back of their pursuit by reaching 90-3 after six overs of PowerPlay, in which Luxton hit four four and a six in his 30s out of 14 balls and James Wharton also in 24 out of only nine deliveries.


Photo by YCCC. Warm up Dom Bess (R) and James Wharton for today's victory over Essex in Abu Dhabi.

But they fell on 132-6 in the 12th to open the game again, with South African foreign off-spinner Simon Harmer who hit four times, including the scalp of Luxton, Wharton, Jordan Thompson and Matthew Revis (25). He finished 3-24 of three overs.

Fortunately, Bess and Chohan – as they had done with the ball earlier – combined to stabilize the ship and the seal victory. Bess hit five four.

This was the last game of three on day one of the three-day Abu Dhabi Counties Super Cup, with Somerset and Nottinghamshire, who both defeated the South Asian cricket Academy.

In the first of those competitions, Saca Seaper Arafat Bhuiyan claimed a hat trick in the defeat against the Taunton County. In the second Nottts only 90 within 10 overs.

Yorkshire and Essex went on the field just after 6.30 pm, whereby the game was somewhat delayed to let those who observe Ramadan, to break their fasts at sunset.

Both parties started the bat well.


Photo by YCCC. Matthew Revis today fed and beaten in Abu Dhabi. His recovery from a rear stress fracture that was suffered at the end of last season is underway, and the plan is that he comes late in the two -day game against Somerset at the end of the Tour.

Essex -openers Michael Pepper and Charlie Allison shared 50 in 6.3 overs, with pepper that made 38. He was followed by 34 for Matt Critchley and a late unbeaten 39 of 19 balls with three sixes from Noah Thain.

But Yorkshire dragged things back impressively, and that was led by spider -duo Chohan and Bess – fresh from Winters abroad.

Chohan has been in the design of England and at the Big Bash with Sydney Sixers, while Captain-The-Day Bess also played in Sydney Club Cricket for Mosman.

Leg spinner Chohan Bowlode Allison for 19 to make the first breakthrough before he adds the scalp of the Big-Hitting Paul Walter, ending with figures of 2-27 of his four overs.

Off-spinner Bess removed England Fringe Man Jordan Cox and Critchley in his 2-31 of three.

Seamers Alex Wade and Jack White both made their first team performances for the White Rose County, but the other wickets went to Thompson, who made an impression on 1-26 of his four overs, and a run out.


Photo by YCCC. New head coach Anthony McGrath tasted the victory against his former provincial Essex. Here he helps Jonny Tattersall to warm up today with the bat.

After Vinboon's early departure for 11, Luxton and Wharton went up the pursuit at some pace, because they shared 44 in three overs of 18-1 in the second.

After they both fell on harmer, the Days best bowler, Tattersall maintained the momentum with six four in the age of 30 out of 16 balls.

He shared 39 for the fourth Wicket with Revis Games as a batter while recovering from a rear stress fracture while Yorkshire progressed from 71-3 in the fifth.

The rapid departure of Tattersall, Critchley's Been-Spin, and Thompson and Revis to Harmer raised Essexs Hoop when they brought Yorkshire back to 132-6 in the 12th.

But Bess and Chohan remained calm to seal a victory that maintains Yorkshires hopes to reach the final of Sunday evening.

They will be confronted tomorrow at 10.30 am with title defender Warwickshire (6.30 am VK).

Dom Bess

Photo by YCCC. Jafer Chohan (center) had an excellent evening out at the Oval tolerance.

Dom Bess said:

It was good. It is clear that it is the first performance of the year and the teams and the roles would change. But I think it was really a good start.

I was really impressed by Wadey (0-25 of three overs). It was his first game among the group of the first team.

Then, the way Wharts, Lux and Beany started with the second innings was quite exciting.

The captain was very nice. I really enjoyed it. Games like this, you get a little more chance with different experiences.

It was wet there. The dew was pretty heavy. It was as if I was playing in a bath bath. But these are experiences that you might get back in England with the rain – how do you get a wet ball and how do you turn off when you hit?

It is quite cliché, but every experience we get can take the summer with us.

It can be very different tomorrow in terms of circumstances, but Mags, Sads and Mick have the way we want to go in terms of power spots and how we want to attack our cricket, certainly white ball cricket.

The message has already been set. Now it's about putting into practice.




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