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Slovenia's clock Kotnik needs speed!

Slovenia's clock Kotnik needs speed!



A man laughs while he is photographed about cross-country skiing. A mountain top and trees are visible behind him

Slovenian cross -country skier, Uro Kotnik, racet through the games in Pragelato

Photo by Adam Nurkiewicz

I came here for the medal! And to make Slovenia proud, URO proclaims with confidence and a tender smile. With a history of overcoming challenges by sport, and winning large, URO embodies the real energy of a special Olympic athlete.

A lifelong passion for sport

URO had a challenging start of life, but life changed when his athletic journey began, when they entered the training, work and the care center in RNA after Korokem in 1996. During his early years in the center he showed a natural talent for physical activities enjoying swimming, table tennis, walking and cycling. His introduction to skiing of cross -country skiing came through his teacher, Ivan, who encouraged him to try the sport. Cross Country Skiing is a winter sports in which participants push themselves over with snow -covered terrain with skis and posts.

A cross -country skier, who participates in a competition, is helped by a group of volunteers and his coach. A snowy mountain with trees in the background

Uros skis are adjusted before he competes with skiing throughout the country during the Winter Games

Photo by Adam Nurkiewicz

I train twice a week for cross -country skiing and I cycle alone three times a week. I don't like to stop. Go, go, laughs URO with one of his coaches, Tina Klemenc. He doesn't stop running! We walked marathons together and at the end of the race he wanted to continue. He is incredible. He trains daily and follows every step. His dedication to sport is unparalleled. In 2009, URO won gold and silver medals in the races of 3 km and 5 km during the World Games in Idaho, USA. URO also took two gold home on Special Olympics Austria National Games 2024.

In the past year, URO has ruthlessly trained and improved his technology and endurance with the help of his many devoted coaches. With his impressive track record, he earned his place under the top athletes of Special Olympics SloveniaAnd indeed all over the world.

A man cross country skis in a competition. A mountain slope and many trees are visible

URO does what he does best, skiing cross -country skiing

Photo by Adam Nurkiewicz

New adventures

URO has also embraced considerable personal growth in life outside sport. Due to Slovenias Deinstitutionalization process, URO moved the care center in 2023 and has since lived independently with his partner Irena and two friends in Slovenj Gradec, led by a guardian. Adjustment to a new environment required courage and adaptability, but URO has thrive. Speaking with pride in his daily responsibilities, URO works in an integrative employment program at a municipal company, where he likes to keep public spaces clean. During the week, URO also helps other people in the local work center with various activities.

“I enjoy the independence, the space. We have a home together, we have fun,” Ho shares his new home life. Having a support system and sharing in the joys of the games is important for URO. He takes a lot of care how the people around him feel and his colleague teammates in Sestriere visits daily to catch up and share the joy and challenges of the day.

A Cross Country Ski athlete wears skis and laughs together with his coach while posing together on a snowy mountain. The coach is on the snow below

URO poses on the slopes in Pragelato with coach Tina Klemenc

Photo by Adam Nurkiewicz

While he speaks with Uro in Pragelato, he is always aware of what his coach or others need, and offers a helping hand where he can. Back in Slovenia, his girlfriend and friends URO cheer. Here in Italy, his roommate and colleague Cross Country Skier, Drago Jancic, who also participates in the games, is also for him.

What is the next?

At first glance Uro may seem shy if he receives compliments from his coach and fans, but he shines inside. Following feelings that are similar to those of his colleague athletes during the Games, Uro proclaimed, I hope I can continue to make Slovenia proud. When we walked into the Inalpi -Arena on Saturday during the opening ceremony, I felt so proud to be with the whole team.
On Friday, March 14, he did indeed continue to make Slovenia proud, competing in the final of the 5 K free technology race and the course completed with a time of 14: 16.89.

When asked what the next step after the Winter Games, URO does not miss a beat. He reveals with pure trust, I want to compete in cycling. That is my next challenge. Only on cyclists from Special Olympics, here comes URO!




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