Three take -away restaurants – Grubauer shines in Kraken's victory over Utah

On Friday evening, the Seattle Kraken celebrated women in Hockey Evening, and the boys were the opportunity with a 4-2 victory over the Utah Hockey Club. The fans in Climate Pledge Arena still rode on the high of Seattles Thrilling Comeback victory on the Montreal Canadiens on Wednesday and brought the energy to help the team to another comeback triumph. This is the 18th coming victory for the Kraken this season. Here are three take -away restaurants.
Take -away meals #1: Grubauer has long
This was the first game of Philipp Grubauer back for the home crowd since she was sent out and sent to Coachella Valley, and the “Gruuuuuuuuu” hymns were heard all night. Grubauer insured his second victory in so many starts and delivered a performance that silent critics who claim that he never makes the big save or steal a game. On this night he stole the game from Utah, making several important stops to keep the cracks at a striking distance and later keep the lead.
Gru comes up enormously with a pointed white Save! Keeps the #Sa cakes Within one. 5:46 Left in the second.
– Sound of Hockey (@Sound_Hockey) March 15, 2025
They may have handed out the storage of the game too early, because Gru has just delivered a beauty! #Sa cakes Keep their 3-2 lead with 6:48!
– Sound of Hockey (@Sound_Hockey) March 15, 2025
Grubauer described his time in Coachella Valley as an opportunity to find his rhythm and said: “[It’s about] Read the game. There are different situations against different teams, each with unique tendencies, and those only see these game situations better. “
With a .939 savings percentage about his last two starts, the German Lord clearly discovered that rhythm. He got the first star of the night and also earned the The crack belt.
Take -away meals #2: bend, don't break
Seattle went to a dream start, in which Eeli Tolvanen scored his 20th goal of the season only 51 seconds in the game. But the momentum delayed 10 minutes after the opening and Utah benefited, with Nick Schmaltz who tied the match before the first break. The slowness took place in the second period, and after a turnover in the neutral zone, Utah had a 3-on-2 rush that ended with Kevin Stenlund who scored in an open net to take a 2-1 lead at 7:35 of the second.
At that time the cracks could have folded, but they groove in instead. A momentum shifting hit by Jared McCann helped to start the comeback:
McCann delivers a big open ice hit! Keller is considering briefly dropping the gloves, but wisely thinks about it. Maybe this is the spark #Sa cakes need!
– Sound of Hockey (@Sound_Hockey) March 15, 2025
That hit reinforced the crowd, and before the period was over, a happy strout of Brandon Montours Skate found the back of the net to bind the game 2-2.
Head coach Dan Bylsma described the third period as 'chaotic'. Grubauer remained high and after a non-access goal for Jaden Schwartz, Kaapo Kakko finally gave Seattle a 3-2 lead with a wrapped goal of a defensive crimination behind the net.
The Choco Taco delivers! Kakko buries a slick Wrap-Around goal of a turnover behind the net, so that the #Sa cakes A 3-2 lead! That is his 11th of the season!
– Sound of Hockey (@Sound_Hockey) March 15, 2025
De Kraken never looked back, with tollvanes that adds an empty-network to seal the 4-2 victory.
Takeaway #3: Montour, Tolvanen and Eberle play well
Outside the second period, different Kraken players had strong performance, whether it was about generating attack, killing fines or delivering important hits. However, three players noticed: Brandon Montour, Eeli Tolvanen and Jordan Eberle.
Eberle, the captain of Kraken, noted two assists and expanded his score end to three games. He now has six points (one goal, five assists) about that period, where all five of his assists are primary helpers. Despite hearing that he would need time to get his legs back, Eberle looks back to form after returning from his serious pelvic injury. This three game stretch is his most productive of the season.
Montour scored his 16th goal of the season and tied his career high and he now has five points in two games (three goals, two assists). He is currently on pace for 46 points, which would be the second best total of his career. The smooth-skating defender jumped in the play and was rewarded when a eberle-pass his skate and bended into the net. Alison Lukan said it the best“They don't ask” How? ” They ask “how much?” “
Tolvanen has meanwhile set fire to three goals in the last two games to give him the first 20-goal season of his career. His goals on Friday evening were his 20th and 21st of the season, and Bylsma praised him postgame and said: “He has 14 more there [games] to go. I think he can come to 25 [goals]And that would be an exceptional season for him. “
What is the next step for the cracking?
Seattle is confronted with a tough test in his next game, while the leading Winnipeg jets come to the city on March 16. The matchup will also return Mark Brandon Tanevs to Seattle since he was traded on 7 March. De Kraken are 0-1-1 against the jets this season, with both losses that come a tightly disputed one-goal games. Expect another heavily fought struggle, while the cracking has continued their piece in a positive way since the trade deadline.
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