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University of Minnesota Athletics

University of Minnesota Athletics



Minneapolis – The no. 4-class Gopher Women's Hockey team (29-11-1, 19-8-1 WCHA) will make the 16th frozen four appear in the program history after removing No. 5 Colgate (30-9-0, 18-4-0 ECAC) 3-2 in the NCAA Regional Final on Friday afternoon.

Top-10 Patty Kazmaier Award-finalist Abbey Murphy Led the lead for Minnesota, the lighting of the first lamp in Ridder Arena on a Power Play on the 5:40 point of the opening period, assisted by Chloe Primerano and goalkeeper Hannah Clark. The most important scorer of the nation then again hit the next Gopher Power Play on the 5:18 Mark of the second period, this time assisted by She will And Natalie Mlynkova. It was the 102nd and 103rd career goals of Murphy, who passed Natalie Darwitz for the sixth time in careercores in program history.

Junior defender and transfer of Colgate Sydney Morrow Recovered the play -winning goal for the chestnut and gold in the middle of the second period, assisted by Josefin Bouveng And Primerano, who seals the victory against her former team.

The Raiders struck twice in the third period, thanks to Elyssa Biederman on a Power Play and Avery Pickering on Even strength, causing the Gopher lead to one with nine minutes. However, Minnesota was able to keep Colgate scoreless on the way to secure the return to Ridder Arena for the Frozen Four next week.

First -year goalkeeper Hannah Clark Notched her 25th victory of the season that her union with Noora Raty in 2010-11 and Sydney Peters wins for the eighth most season by a goalkeeper in program history. Clark is moving to a record of 25-9-1 after recording 24 Saves and a .923 savings percentage in the first NCAA tournament start of her career. The Oshawa, Ontario-resident, who possesses the Minnesota School record for most victories of a first-year goalkeeper, moves to a 4-2 record in the late season 2024-25.


“We are very happy to go to the frozen four,” said head coach Brad Frost. “Really proud of this group. Fighted through a lot of adversity throughout the year, and to see them come together and stay together, especially in the third period, when it became a bit hairy and a bit harder, but found a way. The rescues we needed got really good sticks and large blocks, and things you have to do to win big games at the end of the year.”


Abbey Murphy's 103 Career goals are in sixth place in program history.
Abbey Murphy recorded her team leading 8th multi-goal match of the season.
Abbey Murphy Now is on 195 career points.
Abbey Murphy This season has recorded a leader and career-high 65 points.
Abbey Murphy's 33 goals this season lead the nation and bind a career high.
Abbey Murphy Extends her point streak to seven consecutive games.
Audrey Wethington establish a new program record for most of the career games (174), which passes her sister, Madeline WethingtonAnd Taylor Heise.
– goalkeeper Hannah Clark Realized her first career point with an assist on the goal of Murphy's first period.
Chloe Primerano Extends her point streak to four consecutive games.
Chloe Primerano Has tense its 25th and 26th assists and has added 31 total points this season.
Sydney Morrow recorded her 30th point of the season.
Sydney Morrow's The 11th goal of the season came as the game winner against her former team (Colgate).
Natalie Mlynkova Extended her point streak to five consecutive games.
Josefin Bouveng Extends her point streak to three consecutive games.
Josefin Bouveng has recorded 98 career points.
– De Gophers surpassed the Raiders 44-26.


Next Friday, the Maroon & Gold will take on the top placed Wisconsin Badgers in the NCAA Tournament Semifinal Game in Ridder Arena. It will mark the sixth meeting this season (and second in three weeks) between the Gophers and the Dassen.




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