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Men's hockey: Cam Ellsworth steps away from the head coaching position

Men's hockey: Cam Ellsworth steps away from the head coaching position



Northfield, vt. Head coach Cam ellsworth Announces that he will step away from coaching:

Over the past seven years, as main loft hockey coach at Norwich University has been the height of my professional career. The honor to lead this legendary program and to work with such exceptional student athletes has been a profound privilege.

After a thoughtful reflection, I made the decision to leave coaching to pursue new professional efforts.

I want to express my sincere thanks to Tony Mariano and President Eeritus Richard Schneider for entrusting with this remarkable opportunity. I am just grateful Ed HockenburyPresident Mark Anarumo and Ltgen John Broadmeadow for the support of both myself and the program during my term of office.

Above all, I want to express my deepest appreciation to the players I have had to lead and serve for the past seven years. You have been the core of my experience in Norwich, and I am very grateful for all of you.

In the course of seven seasons, coach Ellsworth led the team to an impressive record of 115-39-19 (.720 Win percentage), with which a regular season and two tournament camp championships were obtained in the New England Hockey Conference (NEHC) in addition to three NCAA Tournament-Ligplaces. The cadettes were in 2018-19 AD Tournament-Tweede, closely defeated by Wisconsin-Stevens Point 3-2 in the extension. The following year, the cadet ship was due to an unbeaten streak of 18 games, including nine consecutive shutouts to close the season, the top-ranked team in the country before the NCAA tournament was stopped because of the COVID-19 Pandemie.
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Under his mentoring, the cadets have earned a considerable number of individual awards, including a national player of the year, three academic all-Americans, four conference players of the year and five all-Americans. Tom Aubrun (Chamonix, France) was the third cadet called National Player of the Year when he was recognized as the 2020 Sid Watson Award winner while he set five NCAA records. His stripes of successive shutouts (9) and Shutout minuten (527: 31) are NCAA Ice Hockey Records for all levels and were only stopped when the NCAA Tournament was suspended. During his time in Norwich, the Ellsworth teams founded nine NCAA records. As a recognition for the general success during the 2019-2020 season, Ellsworth was named the NEHC coach of the year and the American Hockey Coaches Association Ed Jeremiah Award Winner as the National Division III Coach of the Year.

Norwich's Director of Athletics, Ed HockenburyRecognizes the performance of coach Ellsworth. He gratefully expresses the dedication and dedication that has paved the way for these successes, both on and outside the ice:

I want to thank Cam ellsworth For his leadership of our hockey program for men. Following coach Mike Mcshane was not an easy task and Cam's integrity, humility, tireless work ethics and unwavering dedication to his players ensured that Norwich hockey remained competitive at the highest level and at the same time offered a quality experience for the members of his team. In the midst of incredibly high expectations and a national division III hockey landscape that has become more challenging every year, Cam led his program in the right way.

His remarkable winning percentage speaks to his assets as a hockey coach. He recruited young men with a high character who occur at the highest level, both on the ice and in the classroom, and he supported them behind the scenes in countless ways that will be useful for the rest of their lives. He taught his players to be Community Minded, working with Darn Tough to initiate the sock throw that Socks offers for people in need, and offer volunteer support from his team to the Black Bears Youth Hockey organization.

In addition, Cam worked with our generous alumni and ice rink staff to make improvements in the facility, retaining the place of Kreitzberg Arena at the Pinnacle of Division III hockey courts. And Cam was an active and supportive member of our department and the university community, where he argued for his program while supporting the Norwich mission. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with CAM, I appreciate his many contributions to our hockey program and I wish him and his family the best.

The hockey program of the legendary Norwich starts a new chapter in 2025-26 as members of the Little East Conference (LEC). The program has won four national championships over the past three decades and has a strong national reputation, supporting administration, passionate alumni and an exceptional group of returning players.

Kreitzberg Arena, the home facility on the campus for the cadets, has been the guest location for several NCAA tournament competitions and organizes the NCAA Division III Ice Hockey Championships in 1999, 2003 and 2004, together with the NCAA Division Ice Hockey Championship. To date, the cadets have twice the honor to lift the national championship trophy on their home ice cream; Once through the men's team in 2003 and then through the ladies team in 2018.

Norwich will immediately start with a national search for the next head coach who will retain and improve the tradition of continuous excellence, both on and outside the ice.




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