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Blackhawks Practice: Ryan Donato again at the top

Blackhawks Practice: Ryan Donato again at the top



The Chicago Blackhawks went back to the fifth third Arena ice cream today while preparing for the last 15 games of the regular season. Fortunately, nine of those games in the United Center, since the Blackhawks 23 of their 26 roadgames have lost. Their first match back after a 0-3-1 road trip will be against the tomorrow night Seattle Kraken.

Ryan Donato continues

Interim -head coach Sorensen differently His lines mixed again, which was expected after a 6-2 loss for the Vancouver Canucks on Saturday. The most important change was Ryan Donato The top line up to play the left wing with Frank Nazar And Connor Bedardthat stays on the wing. I am at the point where I don't care who the third player is on this line, as long as Nazar and Bedard stay together for the next 15 games.

It is difficult to put Donato in that place at the moment. He deserved it. He continues to add to his career season, because he wants to earn a new contract with the Blackhawks after this season. After making four consecutive games at the beginning of December, Donato has 13 goals and 36 points in his last 39 games. He is second in the team with 51 points, a point behind bedard and Teuvo Terevainen. The only other player who likes to see a run on that top line is teravaine, but he plays so well with Ilya Mikheyev Lately it is difficult to break them up.

Colton Dach moved to the third line with Landon Slagert And Nick Foligno. Pat maroon Was back on the fourth rule after he was scratched the last three games. Joe many Will be the strange man against the cracking. He only played 8:34 in Vancouver, and most of that time came late in the game when the score was already out of hand. Ethan del Mastro will withdraw to the back, with Louis Crevier Comes out.

Connor -Berards misconduct

Bedard was about to smile when he was asked if this was the first time that Hed ever received misconduct from Game in back-to-back games. Hopefully this is the last time. He said he was not angry with the call against the Canucks, because it was late in the game, and the officials wanted to cool things. Cameras caught him threw his helmet as soon as he got off the ice, but that frustration was not in the call, but more because of the score. Today Bedard is more focused on what he wants to achieve in the last month of the season.

We want to grow together as a group, he said. The only thing we can now concentrate on is getting better every day- making fun and building chemistry.

Sorensen has credited Bedard with mixing at the end of Saturday match and expanded with what he could take away from this experience.

In general he is very mature because he is 19, especially with the spotlights that he constantly loses on him, he said. “I am impressed by how he deals with it. I think human nature is human nature to reach the last few games.

The last game it was a scrum. Good for him; He stuck his nose and stayed inside. The one in San Jose was frustration and the heat of the moment. Sidney Crosby Much of it went. I remember when Peter Forsberg came into the competition. It happens. They want to win. He is aware of it and gets better at it.




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