This week's island of tennis report – Isle of Wight Observer News

By Debbie Yates
Division one
Ryde C 9 V Newport Vics A 1, Havenstreet A 10 V Newport Vics B 0, Ryde A 6 V Ryde B 4, Ryde B 5 V Havenstreet A 5
As the season after the end comes, teams made up matches and Haventreet A were in action twice. After a 10-0 whitewash from Newport Vics B they had a much harder match against Ryde B. Rydes Alex Rorke was unbeaten, but only after a hard five set match against Havenstreets Roger Hooky, who had to work hard to beat Rydes Bryce Wilson in five sets. His teammate, Mike Turner, was on shape and won two. De Doubles was an easy victory for Rydes Rorke and teammate, Tim Giles, and the game ended in a draw.
Ryde B was also in action against Ryde A, who turned out to be a different close match. The A-Teams Scott Lawson was largely unpunished, because he won all three without dropping a set, while teammate, Mark Turner, won two.
Turner and Lawson played in the Doubles, which they won in three sets and the game ended 6-4 for the A-team.
Ryde C leads the table with a 16-point gap over Ryde Rankers, with four games left.
Division two
Newport Vics C 5 V Ryde Rascals 5, Ryde Revelers 5 V Ryde Quintet 5, Ryde Detons 4 V Ryde Quintet 6, Shorwell Spinners 8 V Newport Vics D 2
Leaders, Ryde -party people, were held this week to a draw by Ryde Quintet. There were some exciting competitions, in particular between the quintets that Alan Dennis and the Dave bats of the partygoers, who Dennis took on 16-14 in the fifth set.
Newport Vics C played Ryde Rascals in a different narrow game, with Newports Dave Newnham player-of-the-match and undefeated, even though he was brought by the Martin Dove of the Rascals. De Doubles was an easy victory for the Rascals Dove, and partner, Alan Burch, and the match ended in a draw.
In a bottom of the table conflict, Shorwell Spinners brought an end to Newport Vics DS-Bod to stay two in division, to beat them 8-2 and confirm their relegation. Shorwells Peter Burger was the player of the game and unbeaten.
Division three
St Lawrence Lizards 0 V Ryde Retailers 10, Wroxall Warriors 10 V Ryde Frogs 0, St Lawrence Lizards 7 V Ryde Rustics 3, Ryde Retailers 9 V Shorwell Saints 1, Ryde Frogs 8 V Wroxall Warriors 2
St. Lawrence Lizards played twice and had a contrasting fortunes, because they were beaten 10-0 by the team of the moment, Ryde Retailers. The lizards had a better evening against Ryde Rustics and won 7-3.
Ryde Frogs and Wroxall Warriors met twice, and there were bizarre different results for the matches, in which the frogs lost 10-0 in the first meeting, because of the Faiths of an exhausted team and then 8-2 in the second, playing with their strongest team.
Ryde -Retailers look unbeatable at the top with a few more games to play, while Wroxall Warriors are in second place.
Isle of Wight Junior and Cadet Championships
The junior and cadet championships were held on Friday. Cadets are younger than 15, while juniors are younger than 19. A tournament under 11 years old was also held. The final of the Cadet and Junior Championships will be played on the final evening on April 30, while the Under-11s championship was played and won by Ollie Lewis that plays in the third division of the Iwtta League.
The finalists in the Cadet Championships are JYE LOCK and Theo Lewis, who both play in the two division. The Junior Championship will be decided between Division One players, Ryan Cates and Lewis Johnstone, who also represent the island that plays for the IW in the senior British Club League.
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