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Top Ol Target among the many recruits that Michigan Football visit

Top Ol Target among the many recruits that Michigan Football visit



Spring was officially created in Michigan. Flowers bloom, the temperatures are rising slowly and Michigan's football opened its spring exercises on Tuesday. Together with hospitable recurring players and the first -year class, Michigan is organizing an ever -growing list of recruits this week and weekend.

Local four -star added to the visitor list

According to 247Sports2027 four -star tight end Anthony Cartwright has been set to visit Ann Arbor on April 3. Cartwright is also planning to make visits this spring Michigan StateUCF, Ohio State, Oregon and Penn State.

The 6-foot-4, 200-ponder from Detroit Country Day School, where he also plays basketball and baseball. Cartwright is a top 100 recruit (no. 59 General on 247Sports Composite), but Michigan may be fighting a tough battle for his services. His father, Anthony Cartwright Sr., graduated in Michigan.

Getting him on campus, however, is a good sign for the opportunities of Michigans. There is a long ways to go before Cartwright and the other members of the 2027 classes sign their declaration of intent, so the Wolverines will look to keep chipping until that time.

Potential two -way perspective on campus

2027 Marietta (ga.) Athlete Alexander Ward Verbally dedicated to Alabama in November. However, Michigan did not prevent that Ward seduce to turn around. Michigan made contact with him in the winter contact period and organized him, as well as his older brother, 2026 four -star wide recipient Christian district For a visit on Tuesday.

Ward is mentioned as an athlete and has the potential to play both a broad receiver and cornerback at the university. In fact, the history of Michigans of the use of players on both sides of the ball makes Michigan intriguing for Ward, according to ON3.

I am interested in Michigan because I like the way they make their players versatile, said Ward. They let their players play on both sides. It is a great opportunity to consider them when I play on both sides.

(Michigan) told me that they like me with both. I am excited to see how the coaches work with the corners and broad recipients. I just want to see how the coach and how the players go through things.

Ward recently also visited Georgia Tech and hopes to see LSU, Tennessee and UNLV this spring.

Ohio to visit this weekend

Per 247SportsToledo Central Catholic 2026 three -star tight end Preston Fryzel Says he will take visits to Pittsburgh, Ohio State and Michigan this week. He will visit the Panthers on Thursday, Buckeyes on Friday and the Wolverines on Saturday.

Michigan still has to offer Fryzel, but they have shown interest.

Fryzel helped central Catholic to win a state title as a second -year student and finished second as a junior. Last fall, he caught 43 passes for 807 yards and 10 touchdowns.


  • Per ON3One of the top priorities of Michigans in the 2026 class, four -star attacking lineman Malachi LeeHis long visit to Ann Arbor has been completed. Lee started his visit on Sunday and looked at the exercise yesterday.
  • 2026 four -star wide recipient Gordon Sellars His list of reduced Schools up to sixAnd Michigan made the cut. He is ready to announce his dedication on April 18.
  • 2026 three-star Linebacker Jaxon Pyatt According to Ann Arbor, he visited yesterday, according to 247Sports.




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