Where Drew Allar trained his focus this winter

In each of his two seasons, while Penn states that the Quarterback starts, Drew Allars numbers have improved. He determined personal records in 2024 with 3,327 passing yards, a completion percentage of 66.5 percent, 302 hurrying, six hasty touchdowns and a 153.5 rating. Now the Nittany Lions are still looking for a great jump outside the season of their QB1.
On the way to his last spring with Penn State, has Allar settled As a leader, his mobility improved and became comfortable with offensive coordinator Andy Kotelnickis schedules. So what is the next place in Allars development? Penn State Strength Coach Chuck Losey recently offered some insight into the Quarterbacks OffSeason Training Focus, together with the youngest Quarterback of the Teams, Bekkem Kritza.
The next steps for Drew Allar
Allar is one of the most talented and experienced Quarterbacks in the University Football in 2025. But after Penn State was led to the semi -final of the College Football Playoff last season, Allar still has room to grow. He flashed some superstarish pass skills last season, but sometimes still struggled with mobility, consistency and decision -making.
With a few small steps in his development, Allar was able to fully reach his potential and himself at the top of the first round in the 2026 NFL Draft. Losey, who has been in Penn State since 2014 and started leading the Program Prestation Improvement Program in 2022, has seen him grow as a leader.
You talk about allar adulthood, trust, commanding the room. Very impressed, Losey recently told reporters in State College.
Related: Seven Nittany Lions that sparked during Winter Training
Last spring the chattering around Allar's next steps turned around his footwork, mobility and his body movements more efficiently to help a natural strong framework for a quarterback. For the most part he showed those improvements in 2024. So what is Loseys Plan for Allar now?
Physically it doesn't change, said Losey. His body composition is in a much better place this year, but his big thing is a motion economy and ensuring that his short movement area, middle to long distance is speed.
“He had some chances of bending it last season, and you saw the improvement in his bag consciousness, in his ability to maneuver in the bag and then his ability to actually get downfield and play with his legs. That is an area that I knew would be development for him, and I still think we are developing more.”
The plan is that Allar will be physically even sharper in August than he was during Penn States that ran to the semi -final of the CFP. With Tyler Warren and two starting broad recipients away, another physical jump from Allar can be a boost for a Nittany Lions attack that will try to find new top weapons.
His footwork, his foot speed, body composition, who remained the focus for him, Losey said.
Review of Penn States Latest Quarterback
The Nittany Lions currently have five quarterbacks on their selection, in which Kritza participated this winter. Kritza (6-5, 195 pounds) was a 3-star prospect and the No. 51 Quarterback in the recruitment class 2025, according to the 247Sports Composite. With Allar, Ethan Grunkemeyer and Jaxon Smolik above him on the depth map, Kritza will be a development piece for Penn State this season.
Asked what he has seen from Kritza so far, Losey said that the young quarterback is a long, Rangy man, and noted the room for potential physical improvements he has already observed.
If Bekkem is not where he should be a year, in two years from now on, then it will be my fault from a development position, Losey said. He is a clean slate that comes in. Many guys you come in from secondary school programs where you have to repeat things, break back, withdraw, which is often more difficult than receiving a clean slate.
Beau Pribulas departure Immediately meant less overall experience for Penn States Quarterback Room in 2025. But with Allar who leads the way and four younger passers -by who learn behind him, the Nittany Lions can build an intriguing depth at the position for 2026.
I think the entire Quarterback room has shown consistency, Losey said. Drawn [Allar]Grunk, [Jaxon] Smolik, Jack [Lambert]I think the entire room has been excellent.
View the full media session of Losey, thanks to blue -white illustrated.
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