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Usman Khawaja situation explodes as Queensland official EYE opening drops claims

Usman Khawaja situation explodes as Queensland official EYE opening drops claims



Usman Khawaja is reportedly made available for the Sheffield Shield final After his controversial decision not to play the last match of the regular season. But the situation exploded on Wednesday afternoon when his participation in great doubt was hit by comments from a cricket officer from Queensland.

The Aussie Test Opener did not chose to play the crucial collision of Queensland With South Australia this week, which eventually secured their place in the decision maker. Queensland Cricket told Yahoo Sport Australia Last week Khawaja only wanted to play one of the two Shield matches that followed his return from Sri Lanka, but the decision turned out to be controversial because of the crucial nature of the game he chose not to play.

Civil servants also revealed that the veteran did not want to take the place of a teammate who plays throughout the year and that they want to stay fresh for a large year of test cricket. Since then it has been revealed that Khawaja a hamstring bump, but Queensland officials did not think it was enough to exclude him.

Usman Khawaja and wife Rachel.Usman Khawaja and wife Rachel.

Usman Khawaja went to the Australian Grand Prix with wife Rachel, while his teammates played South -Australia in Queensland. Image: Getty

Khawaja is also supposed to have spent time with his family during Ramadan, and the burning temperatures in Adelaide last week would have made it extremely difficult for someone who was fast. The 38-year-old traveled to Melbourne instead and attended the F1 Grand Prix with his wife while his teammates were playing.

After Queensland's draw was enough to see them go to the final, Khawaja reportedly decided that he wants to play. The courier post reported On Wednesday, “Top Level Talks ended a week of confusion and tension behind the scenes”, and Khawaja chose to return for the final.

However, there was doubt about whether he will even be chosen when Queensland made Cricket's head of Elite Cricket Joe Dawes some explosive remarks. Our medical staff said he was available for selection, Dawes said with regard to the problems with the injury. That is also my understanding of Cricket Australia staff. As far as we are concerned, no hamstring problems.

I assume our medical staff and there is no reason why he could not have played the last game. It is just disappointing that he did not play a game for Queensland when he got the chance. I have a lot of guys here who all want to play.

I think we are disappointed that he did not play the game against South -Australia. That is the decision he has made and he has communicated some reasons for it in the public. Hopefully he will make that decision to make himself available for next week and we will make that decision on Friday. “

Omroep Zane Bojack had previously called Queensland to enable Khawaja to walk back in the team if they made the decision maker. “If Queensland is eligible for the final of Sheffield Shield this weekend without Usman Khawaja, he should not be parachuted immediately in just because he is a test player,” Bojack wrote. “He showed a limited interest in playing for the bulls since he lost the Captainincy.”

Proud Queenslander Ian Healy said that Cricket Australia should be “bargain” That someone from Khawaja's status chose not to play such a crucial game in their first -class competition. Healy said on Sen Radio: “To Cricket Australia – your contracted player does not play a long -term competition. Our cricket must be built on integrity, skills and 'ticker', not absence.”

Queensland and South Australia in the Sheffield Shield.Queensland and South Australia in the Sheffield Shield.

Queensland and South Australia will again fight in the final of Sheffield Shield. (Photo by Sarah Reed/Getty Images)

In the meantime, Scott Boland Was cruel a chance to play in the Shield -final, with Victoria's amazing victory over West -Australia on Tuesday evening not enough to get them there. Queensland's draw on Tuesday was enough to secure them the points they needed to make the final, which will be a repetition of the same fixture.

In the final round of the regular season, the only team was not claimed to make the final Tasmania. Victoria and West -Australia both had a chance, depending on how the other results proceed, but Queensland's draw with SA meant that Victoria could no longer make it. West -Australia still had a chance if they could beat the VICs, but they fell 35 points in an exciting last session on Tuesday evening.

Set 382 runs for the victory on day four on the Waca, the home team was painfully close to a miracle victory when Hilton Cartwright (79) Top score and Joel Paris (45) led a brave Vechtback in the tail. But playing what would probably be his last Sheffield Shield match, veteran Quick Peter Siddle Wa deny the victory when no.10 Corey Rocchiccioli (20) was captured in the third last of the day.

Peter Siddle during the victory of Victoria over West -Australia.Peter Siddle during the victory of Victoria over West -Australia.

Peter Siddle signed up by helping Victoria beat West -Australia. (Photo by Paul Kane/Getty Images)

Campbell Kellaway took a spectacular catch in the outfield to grab the ninth wicket, but the amazing victory of Victoria eventually counted for nothing. It means that Boland, who missed the game because of a knee injury, has been denied the chance to play in the final and push his business even further for one Reminder of the Australia test team.

Queensland insured their place in the final when captain Nathan McSweeney and Bulls skipper Marnus Labuschagne shake the hand of day four when it became clear that a result was not possible. The Redbacks made 614 in their first innings and ended with 5-252 in their second excavation when the time had finished.




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