South Fayette Youth Football Treasurer accused of stealing $ 60,000 of association

A youth football treasurer was arrested and charged after the police said that she reportedly stole more than $ 60,000 from the South Fayette Township Youth Football Association. According to a criminal complaint that was obtained on Wednesday, the 41-year-old Jaella Richard van South Fayette is confronted with charges, including theft by illegal and received stolen properties after the president of the association had reported concerned concerning researchers about the bank account of the association. The complaint said that on October 28, 2024, the president of the association traveled to the police of South Fayette and stated that bank statements that reflected the current account of the finances of the association only had $ 745.52 if it should have been more than $ 60,000. The president provided officials of an Excel -Spreadsheet with the finances of the organization from June 2024. An additional copy of bank statements from November 2023 to October 2024 noted that various Venmo transactions to Richard's husband, Amazon, Amazon and Check, the complaint, the complaint payments to another member of her family. Richard served as treasurer of the association, who gave her access to the payment account of the association, according to the release. Civil servants were told the president of the association that the transactions on the statements were not made with regard to the needs of the association. The same day the President Richard called and asked about the bank account, and Richard said she had a credit line for equity with Key Bank and paid it with the account of the association. Richard, according to the complaint, said she would go to Key Bank on October 29, 2024 and pay the money back. The president later sent officials an e -mail who showed that the PayPal account of the association had changed its name from “South Fayette Youth Football Association” to Richard's name. Investigators discovered numerous personal personal expenses. A considerable number of the Venmo payments was immediately transferred to a credit union account associated with Richard and used for personal expenses, including mortgage payments, food, entertainment, credit card payments and utilities. The complaint said that 70 Venmo payments were made to her husband, in total more than $ 56,000. The total amount of stolen funds is $ 64,742.75. Pittsburghs Action News 4 reached contact with the South Fayette Township Youth Football Association, who said, our organization will collaborate with law enforcement with regard to this issue. We respect the legal process and rely on the authorities to handle the case correctly. I think everyone knew it happened. I did not realize that she was officially charged with criminal law, then Spice told Pittsburghs Action News 4. Spice has a child who plays flag football for South Fayette and said they were aware of the situation via E -mail a few months ago. This seems to be a systemic type of problem, and so I was not necessarily surprised, Spice said. According to Spice, this is not the first time that South Fayette has tackled something like that. This is the second time that this has happened for about 18 months in the past. I think our baseball club had a similar problem, said Spice. Parents now ask themselves about what can be done to prevent another situation from happening in the future. It is quite difficult to expect, you know, a professional level of supervision of a community organization, and so I think it is just an inherent problem with the structure of boards, Spice said. I am sure it happens in other organizations. Richard is not on the website of the association as the current treasurer. She is planned for the court for a provisional hearing on April 14.
A youth football treasurer was arrested and charged after the police said that she reportedly stole more than $ 60,000 from the South Fayette Township Youth Football Association.
According to a criminal complaint that was obtained on Wednesday, the 41-year-old Jaella Richard van South Fayette is confronted with charges, including theft by illegal and received stolen properties after the president of the association had reported concerned concerning researchers about the bank account of the association.
The complaint said that on October 28, 2024, the president of the association traveled to the police of South Fayette and stated that bank statements that reflected the current account of the finances of the association only had $ 745.52 if it should have been more than $ 60,000.
The president provided officials of an Excel -Spreadsheet with the finances of the organization from June 2024. An additional copy of bank statements from November 2023 to October 2024 noted that various Venmo transactions to Richard's husband, Amazon, Amazon and Check, the complaint, the complaint payments to another member of her family.
Richard served as treasurer of the association, who gave her access to the payment account of the association, according to the release.
Civil servants were told the president of the association that the transactions on the statements were not made with regard to the needs of the association.
The same day the President Richard called and asked about the bank account, and Richard said she had a credit line for equity with Key Bank and paid it with the account of the association.
According to the complaint, Richard said that she would go to Key Bank on 29 October 2024 and pay the money back.
The president later sent officials an e -mail showing that the PayPal account of the association had changed its name of “South Fayette Youth Football Association” in the name of Richard.
Researchers discovered that countless personal costs were paid from the PayPal and Venmo accounts of the association by Richard, such as Amazon and Apple and via Venmo payments to private individuals. A considerable number of the Venmo payments was immediately transferred to a credit union account associated with Richard and used for personal expenses, including mortgage payments, food, entertainment, credit card payments and utilities.
The complaint said that 70 Venmo payments were made to her husband, in total more than $ 56,000.
The total amount of stolen funds is $ 64,742.75.
Pittsburghs Action News 4 contacted the South Fayette Township Youth Football Association that said, our organization will collaborate with law enforcement with regard to this issue. We respect the legal process and rely on the authorities to handle the case correctly.
I think everyone knew it happened. I did not realize that she was officially charged with criminal law, then Spice told Pittsburghs Action News 4.
Spice has a child who plays flag football for South Fayette and said they had been informed of the situation a few months ago via e -mail.
This seems to be a systemic type of problem, and so I was not necessarily surprised, Spice said.
According to Spice, it is not the first time that South Fayette has tackled something like that.
This is the second time that this has happened for about 18 months in the past. I think our baseball club had a similar problem, said Spice.
Parents now ask themselves about what can be done to prevent another situation from happening in the future.
It is a bit difficult to expect, you know, a professional level of supervision for a community organization and so I think it is just an inherent problem with the structure of boards, Spice said. I am sure it happens in other organizations.
Richard is not on the website of the association as the current treasurer. She is planned for the court for a provisional hearing on April 14.
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