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Based on Antarctic Sanae IV where isolated scientists begged for help

Based on Antarctic Sanae IV where isolated scientists begged for help



An old video shows the inside of the isolated Antarctic Sanae IV basis where South African researchers argue for help about an alleged violent colleague.

In 2020, the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) placed a clip about “How Sansa Antarctic engineers live and work on the South African Antarctic research base Sanae IV.”

Why it matters

This is the basis that attracted the world's attention this month after an overcurrent team member e -mailed the South African government who accused one of their colleagues of physical attacks, sexual harassment and making death threats.

The team of nine in the middle of the scandal described it as a “horror film … plays”, according to that of South Africa Sunday Times Newspaper, which broke the story.

The Ministry of Forestry of South Africa, the fishing and the environment (DFLE) has been investigating since last month, but on Tuesday Minister of Environment Dion George said that there were no plans to save the researchers at the base.

A screengrab of a video from July 2020 of the Antarctic Sanae IV base of South Africa, with the kitchen.


What to know

“His behavior has become increasingly serious and I have considerable difficulties to feel safe in his presence,” said the e -mail, according to the Sunday Times. “It is necessary that immediate action is taken to guarantee my safety and safety of all employees.

“I am very worried about my own safety and I constantly wonder if I could become the next victim.”

George confirmed that an attack had taken place after a verbal argument, but told the New York Times that the suspect “had written a formal apology”, “shown remorse” and had collaborated with a psychological evaluation.

In the 2020 video, an engineer gives a tour of the base and introduces viewers to his colleagues. The staff described the basis divided into three blocks – A, B and C. The tour starts in the gym, in block C, with a climbing wall, a punching bag, a training bike, a rowing machine, a treadmill and weights.

Outside the gym, on the other side of a garage-looking door, is a “braai”, which is comparable to an American barbecue grill, and very important for South African culture with its holiday of holiday, often called Braai Day.

A screengrab of a video from July 2020 of the Antarctic Sanae IV base of South Africa, with a cinema room.


There is a fully filled storage space, a sauna, several snowmobiles in the hangar and a generator room, before viewers are taken by what the team calls a “link” in block B, which starts with a playroom with a pool/table tennis table.

There is also a bar, a dry room filled with supplies, a cold store and kitchen and a dining room.

Clock A has offices, the main entrance and exit to the basic and bedrooms, which are also in block B

The bedrooms in block B contain two bunk beds, so they organize four people. The bathrooms are also common with toilet stalls in a row next to each other and showers on the other side.

There is also a cinema with several banks, where the team can watch films and TV programs. There is a fully equipped hospital and a physics laboratory.

The video also shows several of the routines and procedures that the team is going through, including melting and testing snow on water and operations in a radar hut outside the base, delivered for people to survive for a few days in the case of a storm.

Sanae IV Base
A screengrab of a video from July 2020 of the Antarctic Sanae IV base of South Africa, which shows the process that the team is going through to melt snow for water.


It comes when the South African National Space Agency (Sansa) is looking for two roles on the Sanae IV Antarctic basis.

According to a vacancies for two messages from Electronics Engineer, shared on the Sansa website on March 17, candidates “must be able to work independently with minimal support under extreme pressure and without supervision.”

Sanae 4
This undated image shows the Sanae IV Antarctic base of South Africa.


What people say

The team member who sent the allegations to the South African government said in the e -mail that the man's behavior was “deeply disturbing” and said he had created an “environment of fear and intimidation”.

Minister of South African Environment Dion George told the New York Times: “There was an oral fight between the team leader and this person. Then it escalated and then that person physically attacked the leader. You can imagine what it is like, it is close and people get cabin fever. It can be very disorienting.”

What happens afterwards

The South African scientists will stay with Sanae IV until the end of their mission – unless everything changes in relation to the government's investigation.




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