Alabama Football Pro Day 2025 Updates

Alabama Football players took another step closer to their NFL -Dreams on Wednesday.
Eleven former Crimson Tide players participated in the Pro day of Alabama Football and worked for NFL Scouts and team staff prior to the NFL design of 2025 in April.
Alabama is generally expected to have concept choices: attacking Lineman Tyler Booker and Linebacker Jihad Campbell. Quarterback Jalen Milroe also gets Buzz for where he could end on the concept weekend.
The NFL design of 2025 will be held in Green Bay, Wisconsin on 24-26 April and will be broadcast on ABC, ESPN and NFL Network.
Take part for live updates of the Pro Day Saturday from Alabama Football.
- Former Alabama Qb Jalen Milroe ran an official time of 4.40 in the 40-Yard Dash, according to SEC Network, with a split of 1.44 10 meters. The 10-meter split is the first 10 meters of a 40-year dashboard, which is a better indication of the first explosiveness. As one of the best general athletes available in the design, Milroe's 40-Yard Dash time was the highlight of Alabama's pro-day event and should help its design status. Milroe also performed passing exercises at the end of the event and threw passes to teammates Germie Bernard, Ryan Williams, Rico Scott, Jam Miller, CJ Dippre and Robbie Ouzts. Incoming transfer Isaiah Horton also caught balls from Milroe.
- Alabama DL Tim Smith registered unofficial 40-year dash clocks of 5.20 and 5.19, as well as a 23-inch vertical jump and a wide jump of 8'2 “.
- Alabama DB Malachi Moore told SEC Network that Sporthernia surgical recovery prevented him from participating in the Pro day, but he plans to hold a training for NFL Scouts on 1 April.
- A long list of NFL clubs was represented on Pro Day, including Pittsburgh Steelers Head coach Mike Tomlin.
LB Jihad Campbell has undergone shoulder operation for a Labrum -Teach, he told SEC Network and therefore did not participate in the Pro Day. However, Campbell delivered a fantastic performance in the NFL Scouting Combine with a 4.52 40-yard dash on 235 pounds, together with a 10'7 “wide jump. Campbell said that he and other UA Draft prospects dinner on Tuesday evening with Pittsburgh Steelers-coach is expected to be a first round of the design and other Steelers-employees. Crimson Tide Player Chosen had.
- Ol Tyler Booker (no. 52)
- P James Burnip (no. 86)
- LB Jihad Campbell (no. 11)
- In CJ Dippre (no. 81)
- SN Kneeland Hibbett (no. 48)
- QB Jalen Milroe (no. 4)
- DB Malachi Moore (no. 13)
- K Graham Nicholson (no. 14)
- In Robbie Ouzts (no. 45)
- LB That Robinson (no. 34)
- DL Tim Smith (no. 50)
Alabama Pro Day schedule
- 10 hours: height/weight
- 10:15 am: Bench press
- 10:30 am: Vertical jump, wide jump
- 11:15 am: 40-yard dash
- 11:45 am: agility exercises
- 12 pm: Posestbs
On which channel is Alabama Pro Day?
TV channel: Sec
Alabama Football will broadcast his pro -day training on SEC network from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
When is Alabama football a day?
Alabama Football will hold its annual spring stage his annual spring competition in Bryant Denny Stadium.
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