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NCAA Hen's Hockey Tournament photo on the way to the final of the conference

NCAA Hen's Hockey Tournament photo on the way to the final of the conference



The NCAA Mens Hockey Tournament Field 2025 is still restless when we enter the last weekend of the conference tournament game. There are 12 teams that have essentially guaranteed a place in the field of 16 teams that forms its way to the 2025 men's Frozen Four.

A simple look at the pair -wise ratings that go on weekends shows 11 teams locked up in the tournament. Their position in the final assessments that helps the committee to determine that sowing is still questioning, but they can at least delete their plans for 27-30 March when we drop the Puck at the Regionals.

For the non -ingwrden, in contrast to March Madness or the play -off of the University Football, there is no subjectivity in tournament elections. The pair was hired 30 years ago as a comparison formula and has been refined over the years to get the system that we have today. So if your team does not get an automatic offer, there is nobody the fault, but math.

Conference tournament champions receive an automatic bid from the NCAA tournament, so that the field of teams is still being expanded for places in the tournament up to 24. Eight of those teams have one way to the tournament and that is to win their conference this weekend.

It may not be officially the case, but the NCAA tournament is in essence this weekend with many teams that control their own destination and a few teams that look through their fingers from the sidelines.

To get ready for the coming weekend, here are the situations to pay attention to …

Purple rankings on the way to the final of the conference

1. Boston College

2. Michigan State

3. Maine

4. Minnesota

5. West -Michigan

6. Boston University

7. Uconn

8. Provision

9. Ohio State

10. Denver

11. Umass

12. Quinnipiac

13. Penn State

14. Michigan

15. State in Arizona

16. Minnesota State

Which teams are NCAA Tournament Locks?

According to the NCAA tournament, the teams mentioned on Nos. 1-11 are locked according to College Hockey News Pair -wise probability matrix. The results of this weekend can affect where they are sown, but it cannot beat them out of the NCAA tournament.

So that means, Boston College, Michigan State, Maine, Minnesota, Western Michigan, Boston University, Uconn, Providence, Ohio State, Denver and Umass can all keep their schemes clear for the Regionals Week. UConn will be guaranteed to make his very first appearance on the NCAA Hen's Hockey Tournament, led by Hockey East Coach of the Year Mike Cavanaugh.

Moreover, the state of Minnesota also gets their place in the tournament. They play for the CCHA championship, but do this against St. Thomas, which is still not eligible for the NCAA tournament after making the switch to Division I four years ago. That is why the state gets Minnesota de Cchas Auto-Bid, regardless of the result on Saturday.

Which teams are in the NCAA Hockey Tournament -Bubbel?

There are currently three teams in the danger zone to be eliminated from the NCAA tournament based on the results of this weekend: Quinnipiac, Penn State and Michigan.

Quinnipiac has the opportunity to automatically qualify while they play in the ECAC and the final this weekend. A tournament victory guarantees their berth in the tournament, but they would still have a chance to get a big offer, depending on the results of other conference tournaments.

Penn State and Michigan are two teams that have no control and must hope that favorites win the conference tournaments.

According to CHNS pair -wise probability matrix, Penn State has an 85% chance of reaching the tournament as a large number. In the meantime, Michigan is sticking to a 27%chance.

The no. 16 Seed goes to the Atlantic Hockey Auto Qualifier. Minnesota State already has an autobid.

If one of the state of Arizona, North Dakota, Cornell, Clarkson, Dartmouth or Northeastern wins a conference tournament this weekend, Michigan is out. When two of those teams win, Penn State and Michigan are out. If three of those teams win a conference title and Quinnipiac doesn't, all three bubble teams are out.

Which teams should their conference tournaments win for the tournament cigar?

There are still eight teams alive in their conference tournament that only have one way to the NCAA.

In Hockey East, Northeasterns Only Way to the NCAA tournament is winning the conference. However, they have just hit No. 1 Boston College in the quarterfinals, so everything is possible.

In Ecac, Quinnipiac would like to wait easier for the NCAA selection show by simply winning the conference. However, they are all hungry for Cornell, Dartmouth and Clarkson to come to the NCAA tournament.

In the ACHC, the state of Arizona is in the painful No. 15 place in pairs, but because the state gets Minnesota and the Atlantic Hockey champion automatic bids, that is not good enough. The Sun Devils must win the NCHC tournament to come in. This also applies to North Dakota.

Atlantic Hockey America comes to Holy Cross and Bentley in the championship game on Saturday. Holy Cross has home ice after winning the title of the regular season of the competition, but Bentley completed a talented holy heart team in the semi -final. The one who wins this game gets the number 16 seed and most likely plays Boston College in the opening round of the NCAA tournament.

2025 Bentley vs Holy Cross – Men's

NCAA Mens Hockey Conference Tournament -Schemas

Hockey East Tournament 20-21 March Boston, Mass.

Semis: Thursday March 20

  • UConn vs. Boston University 4 p.m.
  • Northeastern vs. Maine 7:30 pm et

Championship: Friday at 7:30 PM etc.

Where to watch Hockey East Tournament: NESN, ESPN+

ECAC Tournament 21-22 March Lake Placid, NY

Semis: Friday March 21

  • Cornell vs. Quinnipiac, 4 p.m.
  • Dartmouth vs. Clarkson, 7 pm et

Championship: Saturday at 5 p.m.

Where to watch Ecac Hockey Tournament: ESPN+

ACHC Froteen Faceoff 21-22 March St. Paul, Minn.

Semis: Friday March 21

  • Arizona State vs. Denver 4 pm CT
  • West -Michigan vs. North Dakota 7:30 PM CT

Championship: Saturday at 7:30 PM CT

Where to watch NCHC Frozen Faceoff: CBS Sports Network

Atlantic Hockey America Championship Game March 22 Worcester, Mass.

Bentley vs. Holy Cross, 7:05 pm et

Where to look at the AHA championship: Flohockey

Big ten Championship Game March 22 East Lansing, Mich.

Ohio State vs. Michigan State, 8 p.m.

Where to look at the Big Ten Championship: Big Ten Network, BTN+

When is the NCAA Tournament Selection Show

  • Fans can catch the NCAA Division I Ice Hockey Selection Show on Sunday, March 23 at 3:00 PM et SPNNU/ESPN+.

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