Ohio State Football Transfer CJ Donaldson drops weight with buckeyes
Ohio State Buckeyes have the first spring exercise of 2025
During the first spring training on March 17, 2025, view the football team in the first spring training from 2025 in the Woody Hayes Athletic Center.
Shortly after CJ Donaldson had switched from West Virginia to the state of Ohio in January, he heard of strength and conditioning coach Mickey Marotti.
The problem was his weight. Donaldson had been a heavy running running back, with the scale tilted to more than 240 pounds while the mountain climbers last fall.
Coach Mick said this will change quickly, Donaldson said laughing.
During the next two months he threw nearly 20 pounds, making him lighter when the Buckeyes The spring training open this week. He said after Wednesday exercises that he had recently weighed 226 pounds.
I now walk like the flash, Donaldson said.
The fast transformation impressed the running of coach Carlos Locklyn.
That showed the mentality that he had to be disciplined and challenges himself, Locklyn said. He looks good now.
In addition to participating in strength and conditioning training, Donaldson leaned on Kaila Olson, the dietician of the programs, to help with the weight loss.
She helped me to plan meal planning, Donaldson said. The times I have to eat, what I need to eat, what I need to stay away, what time I need to go to bed and stay on a routine.
Donaldson was a productive piece of West -Virginias that has been back in the past three seasons. He had a total of 2,058 career hasten to recruit as a bruising runner between the tackles, almost two-thirds came after contact, according to Pro Football Focus.
Locklyn described him as a slasher with power, a physical style that is visible at first sight.
Big boys often win with the little boys, Locklyn said. He will fall forward.
But because Donaldson has less weight on his 6-foot-2 frame, he may be able to offer the Buckeyes-Achterveld a larger boost this year, because they replace a few 1000-Yard Rushers between Treveyon Henderson and Quinshon Judkins. In addition to feeling faster, Donaldson expects to have more endurance.
I have more advantages with this weight, Donaldson said, able to play longer and have more impact on the game.
Donaldson took no problem with the push of the staff of Buckeyes to drop his weight. While he spent a week in the transfer portal last December, he found Ohio State an attractive destination when Locklyn promised to push him.
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He told me he would challenge me, Donaldson said, and help me to develop into the player I know I can be.
Donaldson rejected pitches from other schools as a lot of talc with a red carpet. With another year of collegial eligible, his time is ticking to increase his NFL concept stock as high as possible, a factor in his desire to enter the portal.
This is my last guaranteed chance to play football, Donaldson said. The next level is not promised. You have to earn that. I just took a chance for myself.
Donaldson noted that Judkins, a dual all-sec that ran back, made in his one season in Ohio State after he switched from Mississippi last year.
You could see the small intangible assets to help his playing develop, Donaldson said, and now have the chance to be a pick with a high origin.
While Locklyn looked at the available back -backs, he also appreciated the versatility of Donaldsons.
While he was in high school at Gulliver Prep in Zuid -Florida, he was a broad receiver and tight end. West Virginia identified him as a possible H-back.
He can do many things, a big man who can catch the ball, Locklyn said. Can walk between the tackles. His feet are faster than what you think for a larger man. He really has a good balance. That makes up for him, that's what I saw in him.
Joey Kaufman treats Ohio State Football for the Columbus shipping. Follow him on X, the platform that is previously known as Twitter, @Joeyrkaufman or e -mail him on
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