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Derbyshire Boys' Academy – Derbantshire County Cricket Club

Derbyshire Boys' Academy – Derbantshire County Cricket Club



Derbantshire County Cricket Club is delighted to announce the intake of the Boy Academy for the 2025 season.

The Academy, led by Head of Talent Pathway, Daryn Smit, will work during the winter period with 11 young cricketers, from the age of 16 to 18 years, training on provincial land.

The players will work closely with Derbantshire County Cricket Club Coaching Staff and Support Staff, including Ben Hutchinson (Player Pathway Coach), Mark Smallwood (Player Pathway Coach), James Fitzgerald (power and conditioning coach) and Yasir Raza (physiotherapist).

Five new players are coming to the Academy for the first time, they are:

Hassnain Akhtar
Freddie Clarke
Sam Cliffe
Ayman Karim

Danny Chapman

With Yousaf Bin Naeem and Harry Moore who have graduated in the first team in the last 12 months, these players offer excellent role models and aspiration for our upcoming generation of Derbantshire cricketers.


The Academy Squad for 2025 is as follows:

Hassnain Akhtar (Quarndon CC), Danny Chapman (Stony Stratford CC), Freddie Clarke (Alrewas CC), Sam Cliffe (Cheadle Cc), Digby Evans (Hayfield CC), Jake Green (Spondon Cccins (,, Hawkins,, Hawkins,, Hawkins (,,, A Hawkins,, A Hawkins (,, A Hawkins,, CCCOLSall (, CCCOLSall, CCCOLSall (, CCCOLSall, CCOLDENALLSall, CCENALDALDENALLSALDOLDENALDLOLS, CCINDENALDSall (, CCCOLSallsallsallsall. NOTTS), Zak Kelly (Clifton CC, NOTTS), Zak Kelly (Clifton CC, Notts), Zak Kelly (Clifton CC, Notts), Zak Kelly (Clifton CC, Notts), Zak Kelly (Clifton CC, Nuts) (Hyde CC), Matty, Cutthor,, CUTKESTARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARAP

Daryn Smit said: We have seen enormous success in recent years with Academy players who are going to play in the first team, which should be the benchmark for all our young people.

“The Academy is the first step to prepare our players for life as a professional and the environment that we make and promote is tailored to that. So to see that our former graduates are flourishing in the provincial scene, gives us a lot of confidence in the coming seasons.”

Emerging players program -team

epp-teamDerbyshire County Cricket Club is delighted to announce the emerging player program -Inname of the boys for the 2025 season.

The Academy led by Daryn Smit (Head of Talent Pathway) will work during the winter period with 14 young cricketers of the age of 13 to 15 training on provincial land.

For these players it is a great opportunity to sharpen their skills and fitness levels with the contact time they will receive with the coaches and support staff.

The EPP intake for 2025 is as follows:

LuqmDrainage (Spondon CC), George BLount (Quardon CC), Theo Brown (Swarkestone CC), Tommy Bush (Cuckney CC), Lewis Dent (Rolleston CC), Oscar Edwards (Leek CC), Luceston Green (Rollon Cc) (Archie Griffiths and and Arns, and Griffiths, and Griffiths, and Griffiths, And Griffiths, And Griffiths, And Griffiths and Arns, And Griffiths and Arnsriths, And Griffiths and Arnsriths, And Griffiths, And Griffiths. Cc), then Spiers (Alrewas CC), Ben Wilson (Glossop CC)

The winter program will consist of coaching two hours at a time, focused on individual and small group work twice a week. This includes identifying different themes, technology and game scenarios for both red and white ball.

Ben Hutchinson said: We have now seen several players progress through the EPP to the academy now, which is brilliant to see as a group of coaches.

“Starting the players at a young age and preparing potential senior cricket in this club is a priority, and we have seen brilliant success in recent years.

The EPP team is extremely strong and competitive, which only serves as an advantage for the development of the players during the season as they get older. “




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