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Wouldn't ice be fun? Glenwood Hockey remembers that Peter Sharpes sustainable legacy

Wouldn't ice be fun? Glenwood Hockey remembers that Peter Sharpes sustainable legacy



Peter Sharpe devoted his life to hockey in the roaring fork valley and formed the sport in Glenwood Springs in ways that will be felt for generations. When he died on 15 February after fighting a rare brain disease, the community not only lost a leader, but also the basis of her hockey culture.

Sharpe was a driving force behind the growth of the sport, worked tirelessly to secure financing for an ice rink, launch the Glenwood Grizzlies Youth Hockey program and run the Sharpe Edge Hockey Store, where players could find affordable equipment and rental. His influence extended almost every corner of the hockey world in Glenwood, and his passion never faded.

“My life would look very different if Peter hadn't been there,” said former Grizzlies captain Ben Guska. “He made hockey accessible to families such as mine and helped to bridge the financial gap in a sport that is usually expensive.”

Sharpe's dream started on a small frozen pond at the base of Sunlight Mountain Resort, where he and other hockey enthusiasts played on improvised ice. But he introduced himself something bigger. In addition to future Grizzlies -director TK Kwiatkowski, he spent years support for a permanent ice rink, working with city officials, construction companies and members of the local hockey community. A sentence led them through every challenge.

“Wouldn't ice be nice?”

Kwiatkowski said that Glenwood Springs would not be the same without Sharpe's ruthless dedication to realize that dream.

“Peter played an important role in getting a complete ice facility, dating from the early 90s when we started the ice rink at the airport,” he said. “He was a good person, a good father and a dedicated member of the community. The entire local hockey community will miss him very much.”

Even before a formal ice rink was built, Sharpe and Kwiatkowski took matters into their own hands, which moved their improvised arrangement of sunlight to the old Glenwood Rodeo site. Sharpe was proud to keep the ice in playable condition, despite the challenges.

“I still couldn't tell you where he got the passion,” said Sue Sharpe, his wife, laughing. “But once he did, it was all he lived and breathed. He built a Zamboni from PVC pipe and spent his time making ice.”

His impact extended than just maintaining the ice. He was a fixture on the ice rink and formed connections with players, families and colleague hockey lovers.

“Peter was really unique,” said Glenwood Ice Rink Supervisor and the American deaf Hockey player Troy Benson. “His passion for hockey was limitless. Working on the ice rink was not just a job; it was how he made contact with people. It seemed like everyone in the city of Peter knew, and many would come by to just see him. He even closed every public skate that he was just on the ice.”

Since the Glenwood Springs Ice Rink was opened at 100 Wulfsohn Road, the Western Helling has seen an increase in hockey talent. The sport had already started taking off in the middle of the 2010, but it reached a different level when Glenwood Springs High School started to establish his own team.

Under coach Tim Cota, the Glenwood Demons have been one of the top hockey programs in the state since 2020, making three straight trips to the 4A State Semifinals class and reached the championship twice.

“Hockey is different from any other sport,” said Guska. “It causes resilience in his players. I know that Glenwood will come together after this heartache. We have some of the best coaches and leaders in the state, and I know that this community will continue to grow. In a few years, Glenwood will not only be one of the best teams in Colorado, it will be one of the fiercest in the country.”

The impact of Sharpe will live through the ice rink, the players and the community he has helped build. His dream to bring hockey to Glenwood started with a simple question, but the answer is now clear. Ice was not only fun, it became a way of life.




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