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For a country where Cricket is the King, the MMA revolution is tipped of the Pakistans to change its sporting landscape forever

For a country where Cricket is the King, the MMA revolution is tipped of the Pakistans to change its sporting landscape forever



There is an MMA revolution that takes place in Pakistan and the best MMA hunters of the nations are waiting for their chance to shine at the greatest stage of all.

If you think of the best combat sports countries in Asia: Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Bahrain and the VAE, perhaps the first to be Pakistan in the spring.

Well, fans must expect that they will see many more fighters from this region in the coming years, with the nation experiencing a monumental explosion in MMA interest and investments.

Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC
Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC

The rise of mixed martial arts in Pakistan has grabbed a generation

According to Omar Ahmed, president of the MMA Federation of Pakistan, mixed martial arts are quickly catching up cricket as the most popular sport among the youth in the country.

MMA is a pure test of skills, heart and strategy, therefore it fascinates the current generation, explained in a series of interviews With media.

This sport is a reflection of today's world, ie fast, unpredictable and really when two hunters get into the cage, it transcends edges, language and backgrounds. It is a pure test of skill, resilience and strategy.

Our young generation is attracted to MMA like never before, continued Ahmed: The sport is raw, real and offers a clear path from base to the world stage.

Pakistani athletes have already made waves at the IMMAF world championships, but the nations awarded performance came up with their hosting from the Asian MMA championships in 2024.

That event attracted hundreds of athletes and was broadcast in more than 100 countries worldwide, which Ahmed described as the largest sporting event in Pakistan since the Cricket World Cup 1996 and the South Asian Games of 2004.

In Pakistan, just like in different countries around the world, MMA had enormous effort to break into the regular sports market because of the inherently violent nature.

Ahmed believes that because of the global expansion of UFCs, which are now demolished when the nation comes to terms with the countless benefits that MMA offers the next generation.

These initiatives form young spirits and promote trust and responsibility. Were not only training hunters; Developed individuals who can process pressure, set goals and lead a disciplined lives.

MMA is more than physical fitness, a tool for self -discovery and transformation This sport is a meritocracy. If you have the talent and heart, you cannot increase your background, connections or financial status in the cage.

Unbeaten Pakido -Rijger tipped to draw with the UFC in 2025

Pakistani athletes have found success in Brave CF, the Professional Fighters League and one championship, but they don't have to leave a mark in the biggest promotion of all UFC.

Fortunately, there is an unbeaten 27-year-old who is said to have been signed with the promotion; 9-0 Lightweight prospect, Rizwan Pakido Warrior Ali.

Ali scored a sensational first round knockout in the Co-Main event of Brave CF 92 in December, in which Ahmed celebrated that we are now about to write history with Rizwans access to the UFC.

As soon as that happens, the MMA landscape of Pakistans will be changed forever.

We have built a clear pipeline for talent. Other federations are struggling to get players on the field, while we have athletes who win medals, secure international contracts and build sustainable careers.

While mixed martial arts continue to attract new hunters, fans and investors, Ahmed MMA wants to bring more schools and communities to Pakistan.

Our journey has just started with Pakistan, is no longer on the sidelines of Global MMA that we leave our mark, and we will continue to rise.




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