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Australia is confronted with T20 World Champions New -Zeeland in unknown role of Hunter | Australia Ladies Cricket Team

Australia is confronted with T20 World Champions New -Zeeland in unknown role of Hunter | Australia Ladies Cricket Team



THe gone to salvation is one that the cricket team of Australia ladies has rarely had to travel recently. The all-conquering side won all three T20 World Cups and the only cricket World Cup since 2017 before he is Globit in the shortest sizes last year.

Die streak werd verbrijzeld door South Africas Shock Semi-Finale overwinning op de drievoudige verdedigende T20 World Cup-kampioenen, hoewel de eerste tekenen van scheuren begonnen te verschijnen nadat Australië hun zesde kroon beweerde in het formaat begin 2023. Een ongewoon magere zes overwinningen in 11 T20is in 11 T20is in 11 T20is in 11 T20is in 11 T20is in 11 T20is in 11 T20 victories in the Australias Aura, to the side of the South Befournel to the Trot Befourner to the Trot Befournel to the Trot Befense Fore South Africa Intervention.

It was little surprise to see Australia respond to their relatively early exit on the T20 World Cup with a ruthless series of results. Five emphatic victories in ODIs against India and New Zealand were followed by the first ladies Ashes Series Sweep when Australia won all seven collisions with arch rivals England over the three sizes.

Australia can take another step towards the rectification of their observed errors when they travel to play three T20i's in New Zealand against the side that turned a horror 10 match Losing Streak on the way to the T20 World Cup last year to beat South Africa in the final. The role of the Hunter is unknown to this Australian team and one of them are already planning how to escape a cricket world cup in October and the next T20 Global Tournament just over a year away.

They are the world champions and those are what we want to be, said Tahlia McGrath, Australia captain for the Drie-Match series. There is a little extra on the line for us. We want to go outside and play some really good cricket and get away with, ideally, a 3-0 series victory against the world champions.

McGrath takes the reins in the absence of Alyssa Healys, while the keeper-batter is the quick-fire series to continue her recovery of a persistent foot injury that interrupted her Ashes campaign. All-Rounder McGrath led Australia to a 3-0 sweep during the T20 stage of the Ashes series, while Rising Star Georgia Vol will take the place in the Batting-Line-Up Batting-Line-Up, just like she did in three white ball matches and the pink-ball test against England.

Georgia Voll has made a stunning start of her international career with the bat and in the field. Photo: Sarah Reed/Ca/Cricket Australia/Getty Images

The 21-year-old Voll could hardly have been more impressive in Seven Internationals since she made her debut in an ODI against India last December, while Australia continues to find top-end talent to seamlessly supplement their side. New Zealand will also turn to an emerging batter, in which Bella James overcomes a quad injury to be in the frame for her first T20 after playing a few ODIs against Australia at the end of last year.

The White Ferns Welcome Back T20 World Cup-Winning Captain Sophie Devine, Star Allrounder Melie Kerr and Lea Tahuhu and Georgia Plimmer for the three T20s from Friday. Devine has given up the T20 Captainincy since he cancel the trophy in Dubai and together with Kerr Kerr missed the White-Ball series of the house against Sri Lanka to freshen up.

They are almost at full power back and have some world -class players in their side, said McGrath. Sophie Devine, Suzie Bates and Melie Kerr can take the game away from every opposition.

But were also blessed with talent and very enthusiastic to see what we can do. Georgia is the last to come in and has had an incredible six months. Every time she pulled the Australian shirt, she did a job for us, she already has an international [ODI] A hundred, and she is in a red -hot form that comes from the WPL.

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The constant intake of talent has forced the McGraths role to change as the will of Annabel Sutherland, Phoebe Litchfield and Darcie Brown who anchor their places in the side. The 29-year-old will now slot in the lower order of the Batting-Line-Up and has not bent more than a few overs in the past 18 months, in T20is.

Taking a backseat with bat and ball can be allowed McGrath to concentrate more on guiding the side, and especially the handful of younger players, while working on the Cricket World Cup in India and T20 World Cup in England in England later this year.

The style of cricket that we want to play does not change too much between 50-over and T20 cricket, says McGrath. We want to take the game, we want to be aggressive and fearless.

Every chance that we can practice that playing style, get better, there is one that we want to enter into with every occasion. We go a break after this, but it is really important to switch on and get a lot out of it here T20s. It would be nice to end up in a high season.




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