Usman Khawaja refers to 'inflammatory' Queensland Cricket Claims prior to Sheffield Shield Final
Usman Khawaja has launched a passionate defense of his absence of Sheffield Shield, who has made the head of Cricket Joe Dawes of Queensland for “categorically untrue” comments that “smell” behind him.
A furore broke out when Dawes focused on the Australia tester for the collapsed match with South Australia in Adelaide so that the bulls could qualify for the final.
Khawaja, who is mentioned in the side of the Bulls for the Sheffield Shield -final in Adelaide next week, called a media conference on Friday to give an explanation.
He said that a plan was formulated with Cricket Australia (CA) medical staff and selector George Bailey to manage a continuous hamstring complaint that he had played against Tasmania in the previous round.
That match took place when Cyclone Alfred Brisbane hit. Khawaja left his young family to play and score for a century despite beating discomfort.
He said he had not spoken to Dawes who said Khawaja had everything clear from medical staff to play South Australia in more than a month.
“Joey said the medical staff had no idea: that is 100 percent wrong,” he said.
“I spoke with the Australian physio all the time.
“Everyone knew that one of the most shocking things was categorically not true.
“I don't do anything without talking to Ca first. They always have the last word.”
Khawaja said he had had regular contact with the medical staff of Cricket Australia. ((ABC News: Curtis Rodda))
Khawaja said he had sent bulls coach Johan Botha to inform him about his original plan that was based on not playing back-to-back luminaires, but never received an answer.
He said it “felt like it would pop” in Tasmania, resort to jogging while he was at the fold while the Bulls booked a vital nine-wicket victory.
But in no stage was that management plan, or the injury, discussed with Bootha or Queensland Cricket.
Khawaja, contracted to Ca, considered the situation under control until speculation was Wervlelde last week.
The 38-year-old then went to Melbourne's Australian Grand Prix and combined photos of his time on the grid with one of him hamstring rehabilitation on his social media account.
On the return of the Bulls to Brisbane on Wednesday, Dawes claimed that Khawaja was available for selection.
“I assume our medical staff and there is no reason why he couldn't have played the last game,” said Dawes.
“It's just disappointing that he didn't play a game for Queensland when he got the chance.”
Khawaja was concern in the field of nurses during the recent tour of Australia by Sri Lanka. ((Getty Images: Robert Cianflone))
Khawaja said he had the blessing of Ca to attend the Grand Prix and was happy to restore his relationship with Dawes a former Sheffield Shield-winning fast bowler for the bulls after the final of next week.
“I'm going home and curl into a ball, or I'm going to look at F1,” said Khawaja.
“I still take care of my body. It is not a coincidence that I am 38 and still play.
“The view looks bad, that's why I wanted to speak out.
“I still love Queensland Cricket, whatever happens.”
Khawaja has set his sights on continuing in Testcricket until the end of the home ashes series of next summer.
He was captain of De Bulls for their last Sheffield Shield title in 2020/21 when teammate Marnus Labuschagne of Australia was a player of the game with a brilliant 193 in an emphatic innings and 33-run defeat of NSW on Allan Border Field.
Labuschagne, who will request the Bulls in the Shield final, was not worried when he spoke earlier about the Khawaja situation.
He said that the left -handed missed the match in Adelaide and was available for the final was essentially “the perfect result”.
“We understand that if we want the best out of him, he must make sure he is ready to go and fresh so that he is not injured,” said Labuschagne.
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