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AD Vos 2025 Outdoor prediction

AD Vos 2025 Outdoor prediction



Presented by Marvin

Just like the new and extensive expectations for their houses interiors, customers call on their outdoor spaces to perform more functions than ever before, from a second living room to a party cushion to a hydrotherapy spa. In response, designers eagerly take up the challenge, creating back gardens, gardens, terraces and polar decks that can meet different needs without aesthetics. At the same time, since natural disasters have brought the climate resilient design first in the industrial discourse, our landscapes for home can play a different crucial role: a first line of defense.

Ad Vos First LED-Resceulfive Trend Report of 2025 is a definitive guide for beautiful, increased outside design that is also future-proof, fire-resistant and affordable for both people and the environment. Supported by trend analysis, expert reporting and insights from ADVERTISEMENTS Extensive network of designers from the whole world of AD100 talents, members of AD Pro Directory and Landscape Specialistsit offers advice, research and predictions about the outdoor subjects that are still important today and will be more important tomorrow. From the design of the rage of the outdoor sauna to exploring a wild garden to the members of the trending furniture, lighting and accessories that now recommend to sourcing, this report is essential for an informed designers following outdoor project. We advise you to dive in immediately.

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Fire risk is not going anywhere, but landscape can help prevent the worst. Here is how

Experts reveal how you can optimize a garden hardscape, plantations and layout as a wonderful defense

As climate change transforms our environment, Noord -Maricas start in the spring and a peak in early autumn mass a daily condition. After all, about three winter months until 2025, fires have already destroyed communities throughout California, Texas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Carolina, Mississippi, Missouri, Maryland, Tenessee, Colorado and currently New York. Aging energy infrastructure, invasive grasses and our tendency to develop land in fire-sensitive regions literally adds fuel to these flames.

A recent questionnaire estimated that 84% of those fires that currently cost tens of thousands of North -Americans, their home and all American billions of tax dollars to support fire fighting caused by people. This is not an exercise: the reality and the risk of fires must be taken seriously and the mitigation of them can and must be part of the design practice. But how? Ad Pro spoke with landscape experts in the United States for recommendations that start in the garden.

Image can contain indoor interior design architecture Building outside the house aergewijs and driveway

Give your outdoor space a clean sweep

Reduce existing risks first. We have attracted customers to property at rural locations because they take place beautifully in nature, says Mike Albert, director of Design workshop In Aspen, Colorado. But that beauty is not always safe. One of the most important steps in a landscape design is the elimination of fire hazard, says Max Martin of AD100 company Geoponika, in particular by removing fire drawers who can wear flames to a structure. For example, overpowered or dried bushes can quickly burn burns and transfer them to adjacent trees. So a wood deck is also possible. It is important that you empty the vegetation around the base of a deck, says Albert. You can imagine your properties on hills where the fire comes on the hill, the brush is on fire and it goes straight on the deck.

Risk trap is therefore all about location. [Plantings] Can transfer the fire very quickly if they can be planted too close to the structures, planted in large groups without breaks, or without at least six feet between the bottom of the tree canopy and the top of the bushes underneath, explains Adam Kober, president and creative director of Newport Beach, California Based Landscaped Studio Kober design group. Where possible, tree groups must be stored at three to five per group and with at least twenty centimeters between them, he says. In addition, six feet distance must be stored between large bush beds. Critical thinking about changing the existing landscape design, or coming up with new plantations, to meet these standards, is a good way to make those fire brokers possible.




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