World Sevens Football: Who will participate and how will it work? | Ladies' football

After the announcement of a new Lucrative Ladies Seven-a-Side series called World Sevens Football and winning the winning team a cash prize that Rivelt that from the Womens Champions League What else do we know about this new event?
What is the prize money and who gets it?
It is understood that $ 100 million in investments is guaranteed in the next five years and that there will be a prize pool of $ 5 million at each event. It is understood that $ 2.5 million goes to the winning club, and what was described as a good part of it will go the players and coaching staff.
What are the rules?
Each match is 30 minutes, split into two halves of 15 minutes, with rolling substitutions. A half-size urgency will be used, with slightly smaller goals than usual in 11-a-side-football. The teams will be divided into two groups of four, before a semi-final and final, and the organizers hope that high-scoring games with frequent one-on-one dribbling and a flurry of target-mouth promotion make the format attractive for a new generation of fans. It is supposed to be exciting and creative with a lot of freedom of expression, said the former English international Anita Asante, which is part of the Tournament Advisory Council. That's why I was so excited to get on board.
Where is this event being performed?
The inaugural tournament will be organized from 21-23 May in Estoril, Portugal, on a lawn in Estdio Antnio Coimbra da Mota, where it is understood that a stadium within a stadium is being built around half a size for the seven-a-side games. It is near Lisbon, which organizes the Womens Champions League final on 24 May. The locations for the future events series have not yet been announced, but the organizers they intend to go to cities in the United States, Mexico, Asia, Europe and beyond. One source suggested the Guardian that the second competition in the series, which would be held in November-December 2025, would probably be held in North and South America.
Who is behind the idea?
World Sevens Football, backed by Fast Finial Investment from the US-Based Philanthropist Jennifer Mackesy, Co-owner of the NWSL Club Gotham FC, has a senior leadership group Made up of experienced WomaTveal, cone, then-bone ,CeCutives The Group Named the Former US Womens International and Bay FC Co-founder Aly Wagner as its Chief of Strategy, While its Chief Executive is the Entrepreneur Justin Fishkin. The organizers say that players will exist the core of the event and they have been led by a Player Advisory Council, led by respected former internationals in Tinbin Heath, Caroline Seger, Asante, Kelley Ohara and Laura Georges, who previously brought through the French football federation for more than seven years.
Which teams participate?
At the moment, no teams have been confirmed for the inaugural event of Mays, but it is clear that, because the finalists of the Champions League will be the only teams that are not eligible to be involved, most of the participating clubs can only be announced after the last phases of that competition. Nevertheless, the SEVENS event is supposed to be seriously surpassed. At least two Super League teams of ladies are likely to participate in May, with Angel City and Bayern Munich also a long list of clubs that are said to be interested.
How is it decided which clubs are involved?
Currently that remains somewhat unclear, except that it is an invitation event and it seems to be at the own discretion of the organizers. However, another set of eight teams is expected to be involved in the second staging of the event in 2025, and different teams again in 2026, because the organizers work to avoid collisions with domestic schemes, rather than the same clubs that participate every time.
After the promotion of the newsletter
Arent Players schedules already overloaded?
Yes, what will make this new event controversial in some people. When demanding this specific problem, the organizers said that their short-match layout was deliberately designed to minimize the load of players. Teams can bring a full-sized team and then select a squadron of 14 players for every 30-minute match and can then use rolling subs, so it is expected that a typical player can play less than 90 minutes of football in total. Asante said: the competition rules are designed with the players in mind to cope with cargo.
Will players be able to participate on their way to Euro 2025?
Technically, because this event is being performed outside of a FIFA international window, the availability of players will be in the hands of their clubs and not in their national teams. That said, it is still to see whether a national team coaches will try to limit the involvement of one of their players or perhaps asking that their minutes are managed during the three -day event. But Georges hinted that the tournament is aimed at excavating part of the next generation, not just when adding first-choice international starting established players' schedules.
Does this event need the approval of UEFA or FIFA to continue?
Technically, no, with those organizations that supervise the traditional 11-a-side football and not seven-side, and although World Sevens Football has had a regular dialogue with FIFA and UEFA, it says that it does not want to pitch itself as a competitor for the 11-a-s-Side tournaments but rather of inchecks in the inchections of the Inspteringen.
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