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Australia confronted with potential legal saga via video game image

Australia confronted with potential legal saga via video game image



Cricket Australia is confronted with the prospect of a legal impasse with his players about an alleged infringement of contractual rights with regard to a recently released video game.

According to Code Sport Robert CraddockA video game called WorldCricket20 within the real cricket app has expressed concern about the alleged acquisition of the players' images by the Indian company Nautilus Mobile.

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The report states that the Australian Cricketers Association (ACA) has signed the names, images and parable (NIL) Rights to Ster Australian players, including test captain Pat Cummins, Mitchell Starc, Mitchell Marsh, Josh Hazlewood, Adam Zampa and Tim David.

It is understanding that the problem arises from the fact that the players have not approved or have given permission for their zero to be used in the game.

There is no suggestion that the players themselves were involved in the deal or did a breach of contract.

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A Code Sports Research showed the Australian and New Zealand cricket boards that the players have considered images cannot be obtained by a third party without written permission.

The situation in Australia seems to be on the way to mediation, with the new cricket Australia CEO Todd Greenberg in a difficult perilous situation.

Greenberg was the boss of the ACA when the problem of the video games was concerned for the first time last year, and he has since moved to Cricket Australia, to replace Nick Hockley as CEO.

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A screenshot of the realcricket game.Source: delivered

The situation has escalated in New Zealand, where Cricket in New -Zeeland takes legal steps against their players because the real cricket app clashes with a digital game developed in India, to which their board had sold the NIL -rights.

That Dream XI game raised more than $ 20 million for cricket in New Zealand, almost half of which went to the players.

Heath Mills, the boss of the New Zealand Players Association, is also head of the World Cricketers Association, which was behind the real cricket -game movement.

Further complicating things is the fact that Mills is also a recent director of the Winners Alliance of Investment Company, which supports Real Cricket.

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Pat Cummins is one of the Australian players in the game. (Photo by David Gray / AFP)Source: AFP
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Mitchell Starc (photo by Pankaj Nangia/Getty Images)Source: Getty images

Code Sports said that Cricket Australia refused to comment, but CA contacted the World Cricketers Association and the winners Alliance, who had claimed to have been authorized to license NIL -rights for Australian players, and demanded that they do not stop using them immediately.

But CAS efforts seem to have been in vain, with the real cricket app still with a full team of current Australian players.

The real cricket images show players such as Marsh, Starc and David fairly accurately, but Travis Head is almost unrecognizable and Wade is more like a young Ange Postecoglou in the Australian teamline-up in the game.

Real Cricket, is an app game that pitches itself as a more modern version of Stick Cricket, a mobile game loved by many cricket fans.

A description of the real cricket is the YouTube channel: with simple, intuitive sweeping controls you can experience the intensity of cricket as never before.

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The realcricket. Image: deliveredSource: delivered

Whether you strengthen boundaries or play a textbook cover, every moment is easy to operate but difficult to control.

In the meantime, Australia Pat Cummins and Meg Lanning and England's Ben Stokes and Heather Knight have been designed for PlayStation and Xbox on the cover of the CA-OF Console Game Cricket24.

Earlier this month, NRL CEO Andrew ABDO revealed plans to release an official video game of the Rugby League later this year, an announcement that delighted Footy fans.




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