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Georgia football players suspended after managing arrests

Georgia football players suspended after managing arrests



According to a release of Uga Athletics, a few rising second year for indefinite periods of an indefinite period of time was suspended on reported reckless riding taxes.

Athens, go. After a few moving arrests, two football players in Georgia were suspended indefinitely.

According to a UGA Athletics release, second -year -old recipient Nitro Tuggle and Redshirt First -year attacking Lineman Marques Easley both were suspended for an indefinite period of all team activities.

Tuggle was arrested early on reckless driving and accelerating charges early on Thursday morning, according to an arrest report at the Athens Clarke-County police.

The report said he was arrested around 2 o'clock and was released around 3 o'clock in the morning on a bond of $ 26

Details behind the Easley arrest are currently unknown. According to Athens Banner-Herald's Marc Weiszer and Grady Newsource, a white Dodge Challenger was powered by a nameless football player on the road in Watkinsville, Georgia on March 17.

According to reports, the vehicle lost control and hit a distribution box. The car then turned clockwise and hit a few cars. Georgia State Patrol confirmed with Newsource that it was a UGA football player.

These are the most recent indefinite suspensions that head coach Kirby Smart and Georgia have given it. Former Bulldog Rara Thomas was suspended indefinitely and then rejected due to a crime tax of second -degree cruelty for children and two battery crimes.

The current Bulldog Colbie Young was arrested for battery battery and abuse on an unborn child. He was suspended indefinitely and missed most of the 2024 season as a result. Unlike Thomas, however, Smart said he was deleted and practicing with the team.

Colbie is with us. He practiced with us, he was cleared, Smart said.

This is the most recent reckless row arrest that the Bulldogs are confronted with. Cornerback Daniel Harris was the most recent player who was arrested on a reckless row -because he was arrested in September 2024. Both he and former running Trevor Etienne, who was arrested in 2024 on a Dui -Alder, missed a competition because of their arrest.

Former Linebacker Smael Mondon Jr. And Redshirt Sophomore Offensive Lineman Bo Hughley were also arrested on reckless riches in July 2024. It is unclear how much time Tuggle and Easley may miss during their suspensions.

The Bulldogs have had different speed cases in the last three years.

In 2023, former attacking Lineman Devin Willock and recruitment officer Chandler Lecroy died in a reckless speedscrash.

2023 starters Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint and Jamon Dumas-Johnson were both arrested in the same year on individual reckless riches. In 2022, former starters Kenny Mcintosh and Nolan Smith were arrested at individual speeding violations.

Smart spoke about reckless driving several times.

Although HES said he believes that Georgia is better preparing these players than any lectures in the country, he also noted that this could be a problem that has never really been solved.

I don't know if we can ever eradicate the speed, I don't know if that is possible, but I'm going to try it damn sure, because I don't think what has now been effective enough, SMART said in July 2023.

SMART recently commented on suspensions and his discipline process for his players on the Media Days 2024 sec

Everyone wants to know what game and are they suspended, Smart said. That is probably not the most important thing in terms of the discipline and culture that they must experience. As far as I know, there is no team that has ever suspended a player for a traffic violation. That is what Marcus Rosemy was suspended. I don't know that someone has kicked someone from the team for that, and we have that. Would remain proactive. The repeated behavior that you will fire.

Uga Athletics refused to comment on the suspensions. Smart will probably speak more about it next week on the availability of media.

This is a developing story. 13wmaz will provide updates when we receive them.




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