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Bend has one of the most charming city center in America, says HGTV

Bend has one of the most charming city center in America, says HGTV



Oregon has a way to appear on lists with the best this or that, and thanks to the people at The website for HGTV, The popular TV channel and media brand, our state has something else that is worth national attention.

You may remember that HGTV has already discovered that Oregon was just filled with charm, thanks to the southern Oregon community of Jacksonville who won a place on an HGTV list with 50 of the most charming small cities in America.

And that was not the end of Oregons Charm offensive. Another HGTV list, this one overview of 83 of the most charming houses in the US, included two houses in the Portland region.

It appears that there is no end to the charm of Oregon, apparently, because we have a mention on another HGTV list, it indicates The 40 most charming downtowns in small city in America.

As usual, there is an introduction that sets the tone for the follows that follows.

Nothing charms like a small city center that beckons visitors with historical architecture and boutique shops or local culture and streets lined with trees, as the article says. Many center of a small city are in beautiful institutions or have a beautiful view. Others welcome visitors with lively festivals, delicious food or a nostalgic atmosphere.

To get to the List of irresistible downtowns in the small city throughout America (and it was difficult to limit this list to 40), we searched for lively cities that invite you and encourage you to stay and explore, the article continues.

Now you might think that, since Jacksonville has earned HGTV-Pech because of its charmingness, that it could be included on this list of charming small city in the city center.

But no. The Oregon community that has earned a kink on this specific HGTV -ERELROL is bending, the central destination of Oregon that tends to appear on these types of lists.

Here you can say what HGTV has to say about the beautiful city of Bend: Known Wijd and Widely known for its traditional brews, Bend, Oregon, with his Bend Ale Trail, invites you to taste the best of more than two dozen brewers. Not to mention the distilleries, wineries, cideries and kombucha brewers who form the traditional beverage scene in this charming small city in the center. Beyond a flowering beer scene, Bend is a perfect, walkable city with trees lined streets and paved walkways. The Deschutes River runs through Bend, makes snake, kayaking and super (an acronym for stand-up padleboarding) perfect summer diversions. Bend is also the home base of the last blockbuster video Rental Store in the United States. Ah, the nostalgia.

Other small cities with charming city center that have made the HGTV -Nit are Lake Placid, New York; Virginia City, Nevada; Carmel-by-the-Sea, California; Ketchum, Idaho; Abilene, Kansas; Taos, New Mexico; and Bar Harbor, Maine.

Kristi Turnquist Covers functions and entertainment. Reach her on 503-221-8227, And @Chisturnquist And

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