View these five storylines to view in Cincinnati Tennis 2025
Boys and girls tennis season already started in Kentucky, and the boys are less than 10 days away Taking the court in Ohio (girls play in the fall in Ohio).
Much hardware was won last season by Greater Cincinnati Tennis Players, on both sides of the river. Many of those athletes return in 2025 and some have also graduated. Much more hope to have the scene come out this season.
Here are five storylines to view this season in Area High School Tennis.
How does Covington Catholic without Brady Hussey?
The answer to the above question is most likely exceptionally good, as usual. After all, Covington Catholic is the dual reigning team stations champions. The most interesting part will be to see exactly how it takes place.
During Hussey's time at Covington Catholic, he was a four-time regional singles champion, a four-time regional player of the year, and four times players of the year earned the surirer. Twice he was a half -finalist of the state and last year he won it. He is playing now The University of Dayton.
Hussey's younger brother Blake, a second -year student this season, will try to continue his brother's impressive legacy. He should be a favorite in the 9th region with the graduation of his brother, after he had lost him 6-2, 6-2 in the final of the regional singles last season. Hussey was the only first -year student who made the quarterfinals of the state of Singles last season. Can he make his brother on a higher brother and win it all as a junior in 2025?
Not if Senior Alex Yeager has anything to say about it. The double defensive state champion in Doubles is playing first singles for the colonels this season, according to head coach Al Hertsenberg. Yeager's running buddy The past two seasons, Kalei Christensen, will play both singles and double this season.
Another strong Covington Catholic combination, Jacob Kramer and Will Tribble, are just second-year students this season after his ending as regional second and state quarte finalists last season as first-year students.
It would be no surprise to see the colonels bring in more individual hardware and a third consecutive boys tennis team.
Does Sycamore remain at the top?
The Sycamore Aviators each of the last three Ohio Tennis Coaches Association Team State Championships won in Division I. In 2024 they had two singles players and two double combinations made the state tournament, with Nicholas Choo and Chase Klugo, and Droppel, and Droppel, Kota. Make the state quarte finals.
Of those six players who made the OHSAA State Tournament, nobody returns to the Sycamore team. Five graduated and another moved from the state.
Sycamore -head coach Mike Teets mentioned a few players to pay attention to his team, all of whom were part of at least one of the Aviators' Otca Championship Squads.
Teets said that Junior Andrew Mao has a solid All-Court game and a strong working ethics. Sophomore Jake Farquhar quickly improves his foundations and has a great sense of the game. Sophomore Abi Dineh is a fixed baseline player who doesn't beat herself.
With such a decorated coach as Wheets and several players who have previously tasted state titles, it is a good gamble to say that Sycamore will again be one of the best teams in Cincinnati. However, it is still too viewed if this is a reconstruction year for the pilots or if they have the fuel to make a pass with a fourth straight team title.
Carson dwyer -eyes another title, history
After having demanded a double state championship in 2023, Dwyer earned more hardware as a second -year student in 2024 and won the OHSAA Singles State title without dropping a set through the entire State Tournament.
That said, it seems that Dwyer will be among the favorites for the Singles State Championship in the coming two seasons. He has the chance to become the seventh Cincinnati athleet to be a double singles State Champion and the fourth in the history of Ohio to win it three times, together with Tony Trabert van Walnut Hills (1946-48), Clark Graebner van Lakewood (1959-1961) and Justin, 1995).
Can Rishi Dore compete for the state?
Dore, now a senior, was the only Cincinnati athlete from a different school than Sycamore or St. Xavier to qualify for the Singles State Championship Tournament last season. The Springboro Panther won his first game in the state and set up a great show in his second, lost second place, Abhinav Dandu of New Albany, 7-6, 2-6, 6-3. Dore was the only other player than Dwyer who took a set of Dandu in the State Tournament.
Dore will have his work cut out to beat Dwyer, who dominated the tournament last season as a second season, but he has a big chance to return to the tournament and at least make one point.
Can Nky girls break through?
There is a lot of talent in the tennis scene of Northern Kentucky Girls, but no player or double pairs could pass the state round of 16 last season.
Cooper Senior Kayla Johnson won the 9th regional championship last season, but was given a tough tie in the State Tournament, corresponding to the final state champion, Ellie Hammond, in the round of 16. Johnson lost that game 6-1, 6-2, but Hammond is now a Bit A Bitniston. Of the players who made the round of 16 in Singles last season, eight graduated.
Northern Kentucky's best call in Doubles Last season was Avery Love and Niveitha Selvaraju van Ryle. Selvaraju was only an eighth class at the time and loves a junior, so the couple should have the chance to let it go back with the benefit of experience this time.
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