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Release of a PR video tourism for Japanese Yamaguchi prefecture with former professional table tennis player, Kasumi Ishikawa!

Release of a PR video tourism for Japanese Yamaguchi prefecture with former professional table tennis player, Kasumi Ishikawa!



Yamaguchi, Japan (Business Wire) -21 March 2025—

This video shows Yamaguchis beautiful landscapes created by its rich natural environment, the special experiences that you can experience there that will increase your heart, such as outdoor activities, Touring Historical Sites or visiting hot springs, and the Top class Gourmet Dining produced from the premium of Land and Sea. The video shows the beautiful attractions of the Yamaguchi prefecture, as experienced by the eyes, hands and taste buds of Mrs. Ishikawa, set to an original musical score.

This press release contains multimedia. View the full release here:

Response from Kasumi Ishikawa
I had the opportunity to visit different regions in Yamaguchi, from Iwakuni in the east to Shimonoseki in the west!
I experienced the history of the region, tried delicious local dishes and enjoyed the outdoors, and I could also enjoy taking photos, while again I appreciated the many beautiful aspects of my prefecture of Yamaguchi. This video offers an extensive glimpse of the many charms of the Yamaguchi prefecture, so I hope that many people will view it and visit the Yamaguchi prefecture.
Watch the video here:


Yamaguchi Prefecture Tourism PR Video with Kasumi Ishikawa

Yamaguchi Prefecture Tourism PR Video with Kasumi Ishikawa

Istanbul (AP) The leader of the most important opposition of turkeons on Friday renewed a call on supporters to take to the streets for peaceful demonstrations against the arrest of the mayor of Istanbuls and top rival of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, even when the authorities were a ban on protests.

Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu was arrested in a dawn attack in his Wednesday on Wednesday about alleged corruption and terror tires, escalating a performance against opposition figures and deviating voices. Various other prominent figures, including two district principles, were also held.

Many consider the arrest as a politically driven attempt to remove a popular opposition figure and important challenger to Erdogan from the next presidential race, currently planned for 2028. Government officials reject claims that legal action against opposing figures are politically motivated and that the courts operate independently.

Cumhuriyet -newspaper and other media reported that the police were starting to interrogate Imamoglu on Friday afternoon. The mayor can be retained for a maximum of four days without costs.

Erdogan said that the government would not tolerate street protests and accused the opposition party of being associated with corruption, marginal groups and terrorist organizations.

We see that an anti-corruption operation in Istanbul is used as an excuse to stir in our streets. I want it to be known that we do not allow a handful of opportunists to bring unrest to Turkey, just to protect their looting programs, Erdogan said.

Looking at the streets instead of court halls to defend theft, looting, lawlessness and fraud, is a serious irresponsibility, Erdogan said. Just as we have not surrendered to street terrorism so far, we will not bow to vandalism in the future.

Since the arrest of Imamoglus, thousands of people have gathered in the town hall of Istanbuls for nocturnal meetings, and collisions have broken out between demonstrators and police in Istanbul, the capital, Ankara and turkeys on the third largest city, Izmir.

The most violent collision took place at the end of Thursday at Ankaras Middle East Technical University, when the police used tear gas and water cannons to spread the demonstration and students claimed that rubber bullets were used. The government has denied the use of the bullets.

The Ministry of the Interior said that more than 50 people were being held and that 16 police officers were injured after the protests.

On Friday, the authorities in Ankara and Izmir announced a five -day ban on demonstrations, after a similar prohibition that was previously imposed by the office of the Governor of Istanbul. The prohibition came after the Minister of Justice of the Rural Rights had the right to demonstrate, but said that street protests were unacceptable in the midst of current judicial investigations.

Nevertheless, Ozgur Ozel, the chairman of the Republican Peoples party, CHP, made a new attraction for people to collect and demonstrate.

I need tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions to prove peacefully, to express our democratic reaction and exercise our constitutional rights, he said.

Ozel said: to those who say that people on the street are irresponsible, I say this: We are not those who fill these streets and squares. It is your lawlessness and injustice that people have brought forward.

Imamoglus arrest came only a few days before he was expected to be nominated as the presidential presidential candidate of the opposition parties in a primary on Sunday. Ozel has said that the primary, where around 1.5 million delegates can vote, will continue as planned.

The CHP has also encouraged citizens to participate in a symbolic election on Sunday through ballot papers to be set up in Turkey to show solidarity with Imamoglu.

Analysts say that Imamoglu can be removed from his office and can be replaced by a mayor if he is formally accused from left to the forbidden Kurdistan Workers Party, which is mentioned by Turkey and its Western allies as a terrorist organization.

In the meantime, the benchmark index of the Borsa Istanbul fell by around 7% on Friday, which gave rise to temporary commercial suspensions aimed at preventing panic-controlled sale.

People shout slogans while marching to protest against the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu, in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday 20 March 2025. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

People shout slogans while marching to protest against the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu, in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday 20 March 2025. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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