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The jeans that fit my hockey button

The jeans that fit my hockey button




Photo illustration: the strategist; Photos: Jordan McMahon

Welcome to the jeans month on the strategist, where obsessive denim searched to try every pair at the gorge to ask dozens of stylish people about their favorite attacks. For more information, go to Ourjeans Month Hub.

Historically, shopping for jeans was just as heavy for me as visiting the dentist. My ass has always been disproportionate with my waist probably because of years of power lifting and cycling, giving me a condition known by some hockey ass. Every time I went looking for jeans, I currently have to measure my waist 32 inches and then go up a size or two to house my rear and try until I found something that worked well enough with a belt. But even when they worked, they never fit well enough to be something different than fine, especially considering my 30-inch interior (my height is completely torso).

When I cherished more uncertainties of my ass for years like the Kolf of Jokes at School, I will do that I was fine with loose jeans that did not pay attention to my back. I still don't want it to be the center of attention, but I came to like my body and want to find clothes that emphasize my functions a little more. That was along to throw couples that were loose and looked sloppy around my ass and thighs in favor of something tighter that not everything hides so drastically. So I am looking for jeans with a relaxed cut that would fit on my waist while I accentuates my ass without feeling that I am wearing extra large tubes around my legs.

When I started my search, various Reddit -Threads pointed me to the Gongshow brand, which used to make jeans Specifically designed for hockey players and other men with a larger lower half. Unfortunately they seem to be stopped. But I am happy to be able to report that by trying some more couples from different brands, I have found several people coming in, and a few I am looking for.



These jeans embrace my buttock muscles without stifling and have a nice taper that rests somewhere between a relaxed fit and a lean jean. However, I wish that these jeans, just like the 501 originals, were just a bit tighter around my thighs, because they tend to drape loosely over my hamstrings.



These jeans are very similar to the 541s, but without the taper. They are a bit too loose around my thighs and calves for my taste.



When a friend suggested this throwback jeans from GAP, I had my doubts; Baggy jeans arent typically my style. After I have spoken them a few times, I became a fan. They fit well around my waist and ass while giving the rest of my legs enough space to breathe, and they are extremely cozy to wear for a day of groceries. The loose fit makes these jeans comfortable, but I wish there was a little more accurate around the thighs and ass to not hide them that much.



These jeans are almost the perfect fit. They are a relatively simple, justice-legged pair of jeans with a relaxed cut and a hockey player-friendly turn: they have more support around the butt than most jeans I tried, and it was a surprisingly good boost. However, I wish that these jeans had a zipper instead of buttons, because that style is usually forgiving in my experience.



From every Levis pair that I tried, nobody made as much impression on me as the original jeans of the company 501. They have a light taper that adds a nice definition around the buttock muscles and thighs without cuddling them too closely, and they are not too tight around the quads or calves. I wish the 100 percent cotton denim that used Levis was a bit softer, because I find it comfortable enough to wear a few hours at a time, because the material is quite stiff around my knees. That said, I have not found any more affordable jeans that fits so well.



While I was waiting for jeans to arrive in the mail, I made a journey down Piece Unique Clothing Co. In Boise, Idaho, where I live, and asked for some recommendations. The seller said her friend who shares my perilous situation through these jeans swears. Now they are my go-to-pair. They are tighter than the GAP 90S loose jeans and the Alex Mill Straight 5 pocket, but they are just as comfortable thanks to one percent polyurethane in the denim. Although stretchy jeans may not take as long as the 100 percent cotton pairs I have tried, the fact that they are comfortable enough to wear all day (or night) is more important to me.

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