The young paddlers of India are fighting for glory as a DSC table tennis tournament Play -Futs inputs -Sports News Portal | Latest Sporting Goods

The Dream Sports Championship U15-table tennis tournament will start its decisive knockout phase on Friday, with the emerging talents of the country to fight for supremation during an action-packed weekend that combines high-stakes competition with world-class training chances.
Friday's quarter -final matches promise fascinating matches. In the Girls' Division, Arya Redkar is facing Tanishka Kalbhairav at 4 p.m., while Shreya Dhar takes on Myraa Sangelkar at 4.30 p.m. The boys' quarterfinals contain Trishal Raj Kumar against Kantanut Petsunthad at 5:00 PM, followed by Albin stream versus Atharva Nawarange at 5:30 PM.
The semi-final of Saturday start at 11:00 am with the first girl match with the Redkar/Kalbhairav winner against top seeds Divyanshi Bhowmick. The second semifinal at 11.30 am will see the Dhar/Sangelkar Victor challenge Ananya Muralidharan.
The semi -final of the boys start at noon with the winner of Raj Kumar/Petsunthad opposite Sahil Rawwat, while the second semi -final the stream/Nawarange Victor against Ritvik Gupta Aft. The grand finale takes place on Saturday evening with the boys 'championship match at 6:00 PM, immediately followed by the girls' final.
Before the competitive action on Friday, participants were involved in table tennis legend Sharath Kamal in an interactive morning session, followed by a sports science workshop performed by fitness expert Dheeraj.
In the meantime, on Thursday and Friday, a closed-door training session that was specifically organized for players in earlier rounds, in the hands of the German coach Chris Pfeiffer, was also part of the Sharath Kamals Academy.
Dream Sports Foundation Athlete and Olympian Sreeja Akula will perform a special Q&A session with the players for the finals on Saturday and share insights from its international career.
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