Wilson Homes CTPL Weekend Preview – Semi Finals for Men

Elliot Stevenson
A place in the CTPL 2-Day Grand Final is for the taking, while Kingborough will set its undefeated line this weekend against the new city in the Twin Ovals this weekend.
The knights have been undefeated since they were lost in a semi-final of the university in a T20-Half Final and have won every 2-day game during the season.
Play coach Tom Martyn is enthusiastic that his side has the chance to win a second consecutive 2-day premiership.
Were really excited, he said.
It is why we play, to play in the final and hopefully to win too.
It is an exciting time for the club.
Kingborough welcomes opening batsman and spin Bowler Nivethan Radhakrishnan at the Line -up, where Patrick Harnwell makes room for the more experienced player.
Martyn maintains that nothing will change with the knight approach, with consistency the main theme for the ruling prime ministers.
It is because of consistent versions across the board, he said.
No one asked at the weekend to do anything they didn't do all year round.
It just plays the same game and repeats it.
This weekend serves as a repetition of the round 25-matchup between the two parties last weekend, in which Kingborough ended 65-run winners in New Town Oval.
The victory has set the blueprint for the Knights, but Martyn ensures that their opponents will be evenly prepared on their way to the semi -final.
It is clear that it defeated them last week, it places us in a really good place and makes us confident, he said.
But we also know that Peter [Di Venuto] and Joe [Randall] will prepare the boys very well for us.
I think the parties look fairly similar, so we just have to be ready and know their strengths just as well as they know our strengths.
After he has somewhat in the final, the university will have to find its best, because this weekend it organizes Greater Northern in the other Do-Or-Die Semi-Final.
The Lions are in their last four games without a win, including a direct loss for the Raiders earlier this month.
Despite their poor form of shape, Uni managed to finish second in the table, largely attributed to their brilliant start of the season in which they won both White Ball Premierships before Christmas.
They are confronted with a larger north side who has won two consecutive games, including the victory of last weekend or home matchup against Lindisfarne in Anzac Park.
The Raiders are led by Captain coach Alistair Taylor, who made two centuries in his last three games for the club and is perhaps the Vormbatsman in the competition.
Taylor is third in the runs for the season, behind only Glenorchys Josh Hartill, and university captain Param Uppal, who leads the peloton.
Uppals form was irresistible for a large part of the season, but he did not succeed in getting into one of his last five games, a record that the Lions want to see in this semi-final of these weekends.
Nevertheless, Uppal continues to impress the ball, with a 7/36 of the 24 overs against Kingborough at the end of February and this weekend will be the key to university opportunities.
Both semi -final are played during the 22ND and 23RD From March, and the winners are directly eligible for the grand finale of the following weekend.
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