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Jaahid Ali: It's my passion to develop young players

Jaahid Ali: It's my passion to develop young players



Working well on the Spitfire site for the season, Kent-Men started their work to the season opener. They are assisted by a number of talented Net Bowlers, all of whom were scouted by former PSL star, Kent Pathway Coach & Kent Community Talent Champion (CTC), Jaahid Ali.

Jaahid brings a wealth of experience from Pakistan, where he played first -class cricket. I played a lot of cricket for Karachi, he says at the Outfield at the Spitfire Ground during the training for the season. I was lucky that I had played for Pakistan. Fortunately I got my first hundred here against the English lions. So this land, and knows, is very special for me.

I played in the PSL for two years and then six years ago I retired from the Pro Game. I did my level three and started coaching. It is my passion to develop young players and then I really enjoy my role Kent. His experience does not just come from professional playing. Last year I was just doing the winter stuff for Kent and I just got a phone call from the Quetta Gladiators franchise to become the assistant coach. And in the beginning I thought someone's joking with me, because I have clearly not been to Pakistan for six years!

I did club coaching and I did my Kent stuff. So yes, I received a phone call and I went there. We really did well. We went to the play-offs. And this year they wanted me back as a batting coach, so I'm really looking forward to it.

A chance like this not only benefits Jaahid, but also Kent's Talent Pathway players, who can learn from a wealth of coaches who have coached at the highest level. I was lucky to play and coach in two environments and to share my experience, especially with the young players, in terms of playing spin. And that is what my experience is when a batting coach is within the path – there is a gap with regard to playing spider. So sharing those experiences with playing spin, but also what is needed to play the highest level, I think, they benefit from me, but ultimately benefit all these young players.

Jaahid is not only a Pathway coach, but also leads the CTC program (Community Talent Champion). This is an opportunity for cricketers of all ages, from younger than 9-over 18 years, which are currently not involved in County Age group, has Cricket Regional Development Pathway, MCC or ECB Hubs to present their skills for Head of Talent Pathway, Min Patel and Performance Management, Ed Stanford. Jaahid hopes that these players can be noticed for the provincial age group and second XI opportunities.

My role there was to go to non-traditional areas in Kent and Scout players. I have many clubs, many schools, I went to the tape ball tournaments, I went to local tournaments, Sunday League tournaments, and I also held an open test day, where we got four or five players, young players for the regional program.

My role is to ensure that players who have missed in the traditional system get opportunities to show their talent and also play at the highest level. In the second year I will plan more things with regard to the things of the girls, trials for the boys and to build from there.

It has been brilliant. The way we were structured at the CTC was a test for the age of 10-18, but I also gave the opportunity to those who are older than 18, and show them that it is not over yet. As soon as you turn 18, we get equal opportunities to present talent.

This week, successful players from the CTC had the opportunity to train with the first team of Kenten during their preparations for the season.

I had a chat with these guys and they loved it, Jaahid explains. They take many tips from the bowlers, from the batters, from Zak Crawley and Daniel Bell-Drummond. These guys are really modest and they have given them the time to share their experiences. I think from there, that is where the CTC role now receives the recognition.

In the future we will build it up and then have more open day tests. My goal is to ensure that these players, these children under eighteen, more than eighteen, to ensure that they get a path to play at the highest level. Even if you are older than eighteen, your second team can play cricket. You make an impression there, you can continue playing for Kent and hopefully all the way for England!

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